Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Vacation lessons

Our family did some vacationing in August and we learned alot from our time together and away from our normals schedules. Here are a few of our learning moments.

  • Did you know that Chuck E. Cheese is simply a well marketed ploy to teach young children to gamble and get addicted to gambling?
  • Do you have any idea how wet and muddy a labrador retreiver can get in a lake?
  • How many trips to Walmart does it take for a family to vacation? Answer: 3 in three different communities.
  • Have you ever tried to catch a sunfish (using Sun Chips as bait) in a child's butterfly net only to have a bass fish swim into the net to eat said sunfish and you caught him instead?
  • What does a preacher do on a Sunday morning off from the pulpit? Answer: go out to eat pancakes!

Learning takes place anywhere and back to work!

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