Thursday, December 17, 2020

Christmas Greetings!


Eric, Michelle, Diana, Daisy, and Barley


All our best Love and prayers,

Our Christmas letter begins backwards.  Because, why the heck, not?!?  It is 2020, after all!  Everything else this year has been upside down, inside out.  We have pivoted, adjusted, cancelled, and re-arranged!  So my letter reflects that.

And yet, if you look at our family photos from 2020 you will see smiles, laughs, silliness, family, friendships, adventures, and fun… maybe in 20 years these joy-in-the-midst-of-sorrow-and-dramatic- change can be the best we remember from this upside down year.  Merriest of Christmas to you and yours! Bring on 2021, baby! 

Michelle… and Rhonda, the other Blonde-Chick-Who-Loves-Jesus, were able to provide two Life Fuel Retreats before the world retreated into their homes.  Michelle published several faith articles in our county paper; collected more rejections (e.g. badges of courage); provided spiritual direction to a growing number of directees; substitute taught girls bible study; mentored a seminarian; joined an alumni team of spiritual directors; and spent time, energy and prayers to nurture local pastors in her position as Associate District Superintendent for Central District of Indiana Conference (of the UMC).  She tried new recipes and planted 108 begonias along with 67 spring flower bulbs! 

Barley & Daisy… grew to successfully annoy one another this year.  They play, sleep, bark, romp, guard our back yard from murderers, and eat well together.  Our quarantine time meant extra snuggles for us and plenty of walks for them. Neither of which they made an objection.  Eric wants to get #3!!

Diana… was able to squeeze in Solo & Ensemble contest (district and state) and one Robotics Competition with her Team#3176 Purple Precision before the world shut down. We marvel at her GPA (higher than her parents), her rigorous academic load, and her keen knack to get things to fit nicely into the refrigerator.  She works hard, enjoys her flute lesson via video conference, hangs out with her youth group/Soul Sistas & cousins, and has begun her driving practice.  Also, our sweet 16-year-old spear-headed the naming of our new trees: Betty, Bob, Gunther, Clay, Willa, Wilbert, and Terra. 

Eric… was the only human family member unfazed by the quarantine since he has worked from home for years.  He just met more people in the kitchen at lunch time!  Working on his classic ’77 Porsche 911, searching for toilet paper, long drives, ghost hunting, finishing Michelle’s honey-do projects, deer hunting, and avoiding social media brought Eric both random joy and fulfillment this year.

As you can see from our Christmas card the Knight family was able to make two trips this year… we joined Auntie in Florida during January and Michelle was able to be in her dear friend, Jamie’s wedding! In July we physically distanced in a North Carolina cabin to enjoy the Great Smokey Mountains National Park. Our doodles were wonderful travelers on that trip and LOVED all the mountain smells!   


Dearest Friends and Family,


Christmas 2020

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