Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Momma Prayer for our Nation

Mothering God, 

who gifted our Lord Jesus with an earthly mother in Mary, 

hear my Momma prayer for all the grown-up kids and children of my nation.  My lap isn't big enough to hold everyone, but your lap is.

Comfort your people, as you would a young child who is overcome with emotions, frustrations, and weariness.  

Hold us firmly in your loving arms.  We need your strength now more than our own efforts.  

Listen to your children's cries.  Hear our prayers.  Be attentive to us.  

We are many different voices with unique perspectives.  And yet the emotions underneath our various cries speak the common language of our fear, anger, weariness, sadness, frustrations, hurts, and yes, even our loneliness.  

Our feelings are so very strong and powerful.  So forceful in fact that many of us are hurting and harming one another, ourselves, and our communities- by what we do and say or by what we leave undone or unsaid.  

Moreover, we have given too much attention to the blistering illusions presented by the Prince of all Lies... We need YOU to be the loudest voice we hear.

Honor our wounds.  

Blow heavenly kisses on our worries and pain.  

Heal us.

Wipe away our tears.  

Grant us a holy time out.  A deep quiet space with you holding our hearts.  

Feed us what our bodies, minds and souls need.  Nourish us upon Your truth, grace, kindness, forgiveness, courage, hope, and compassion. 

Snuggle us up into your Holy Lap.  

Tell us a story of your greatness, your strength, and your vision for how we and others live together with you in joyful unity!  

Sing us your song.  

Pray your prayer over us.

Finally, then hold us until we fall asleep to dream GOD-sized dreams.  

Dreams of You and your Kin-dom to come.  

Holy us close, Holy Parent, Mothering & Fathering God.

And never let any one of your children go from your embrace.



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