Friday, December 13, 2013

What a Difference a Year Makes!

During Advent of last year I was deep in the throws of supportive care giving to two ailing parents.  What a difference a year makes!  This may seem an odd way to mark the holidays, but it is an indication of life's changing seasons nonetheless.

A year ago in the midst of holiday baking my red foam cooler would be packed with meals and goodies to deliver to my in-laws while Lee Ann was in treatment for her brain cancer.  Alas, in June she received her ultimate healing in heaven.

During December of 2012 my father was recovering from a bad fall at a rehabilitation facility.  His holidays were not as he had hoped they would be.  But after the first of the year he returned home to his apartment. We are grateful for all who offered him compassionate care during his recovery.

Now, I wonder how we will remember this holy season a year from now?  Hmmm....

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