Monday, December 18, 2017

Scriptures Sing of Christmas: An Old Man Sings

Simeon lived with a promise… that before his death his eyes would see the promise of God’s Messiah.  We do not know how long Simeon lived with this promise.  We actually do not know much about him.  Luke tells us only the essentials in the later portion of Chapter 2 of his gospel. 

We do learn that Simeon was expecting, waiting with great hope.  He may have been an old man, but he was not dwelling in the past, but leaning deep into the vision of God’s future.  

Because of his faithfulness and through the prompting of the Holy Spirit, Simeon recognized God at work in a small little peasant family when they entered the temple in Jerusalem.
Simeon’s response to the baby Jesus was a glorious song!  “Master, now you are dismissing your servant in peace, according to your word; for my eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the presence of all peoples, a light for revelation to the Gentiles and for glory to your people Israel.” (Luke 2:29-32)

Many churches sing this as a benediction at the close of their evening worship services.  Perhaps there could be no more fitting blessing for the end of the day, “Now let thy servant depart in peace… for I have seen thy salvation.”  As a pastor I wish all worshippers might make such a bold claim as they depart from worship!  I hope each of us might know we are ready to depart, because we have truly taken hold of God’s free gift of Jesus, and are confident in God’s love for each of us. 

But when Simeon spoke these words, they were not just a closing prayer for worship or the end of the day.  This was Simeon’s benediction to his life!!  He was ready to die.  But all he has seen was a baby, you say?!  Well, yes.  God’s Messiah in a vulnerable infant. 

Notice that Simeon did not get a visit from an angel like Mary.  He did not hear an angel chorus like the shepherds.  There was not star for him to follow.  Simeon had a conviction deep in his heart and was prompted by the Holy Spirit.  When he saw the Babe of Bethlehem, he believed.  May we have such conviction as we approach the cradle of our King!

See you at the singing place,

Pastor Michelle

Scriptures Sing of Christmas: Concert in a Field

Consider with me the audience who attended the first Christmas concert out in the fields.  This was not large mass throng.  There are not a VIP room.  No fancy tuxedos.  There may have been furs, but not the kind one would find in a store!  
These were shepherds.  And shepherds were people whose occupation often gave them a bad reputation.  Shepherds were not even allowed to give testimony in a courts of law during those days.  These bad boys were considered that unreliable. 
If today a major one-of-a-kind concert where to be performed for a select, sparse nondescript audience, someone would surely say, “what a waste!”  Artists like to perform for an audience who have the knowledge and capacity to appreciate the finer points of what they perform. 
But the angels who sang in the first Christmas concert for rugged shepherds sang not just to consider a possible “diamond in the rough” among those shepherds.  I think the power of God within this story is that the angels sang for this simple audience to show you and I that every person is a diamond in God’s sight.  God’s angels sang for shepherds, not because one has the latent capacity to appreciate what is happening, but simply because they are human beings.
God’s love and salvation are offered to all persons. That is the gift of Jesus.  Proof of merit is not required.  Evidence for potential future achievements is not requested.  This is what we call grace.  The first Christmas concert came to shepherds who were keeping watch over their flocks by night because God loves them.  And God loves you and I too.

See you at the singing place,

Pastor Michelle

Scriptures Sing of Christmas: Mary's Song

Once upon a time, a teenage girl gave the whole world a song!  Indirectly, she has inspired thousands of songs because poets, composers and artists have been uplifted by her song and her story.  But this teen gave us a simple song. 
Mary, the mother of Jesus.  Sometimes I wish you and I could know her better.  Who was she, really? Was she a shy little thing or a tough, peasant farm girl?  Girlie girl?  There is so much we do not know- but what we do know from Luke’s account is that one day in the middle of her engagement to a carpenter, Mary’s life got interrupted.
A grand and frightening interruption by an angel, no less!  Gabriel announces to Mary that she has been chosen by God to conceive and bear a son, whose name shall be called Jesus.  After the announcement is not the time for her song.  Instead, Mary asks the angel questions, receives some answers, and then she sets out. 
Pay attention to the details, Mary is not a teenage runaway.  She does not run away from this news, but instead runs to a trusted, dear kinswoman in her family.  And a family member who is pregnant too!  I am not sure about you but aunties can be an amazing resource of wisdom and support.  I know that I have been blessed to have a dear friend in my favorite auntie.
When Mary greets Elizabeth, the older woman felt her own baby leap in her womb.  Moved by the Holy Spirit, Elizabeth pronounces a blessing upon young Mary.  “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb.” (Luke 1:42).  It was this greeting… this greeting by a trusted family member, someone who recognized and confirmed the working of God in Mary’s young simple life, this greeting… that led to Mary’s song. 
Consider- how being commissioned by God for a special purpose would be exciting and yet also might leave a person feeling alone or uncertain or at least in need of some grounding reassurance.  Elizabeth’s greeting was a familiar family greeting- but also it was a powerful statement of faith. 
When Elizabeth said, “Blessed are you among women,” a song burst free from Mary’s heart!  That was her moment to sing… received both aspects of the call from God; 1) divine intervention and 2) human assurance.
Friends, one day you may be an Elizabeth in someone’s life.  A friend may hear the call of God or receive some sense of holy responsibility, and yet question that feeling.  Confirmation is needed by a person- you- who are sensitive to God’s spirit and presence.  We cannot imagine the power and impact of the right word of affirmation spoken at the right time! 
Someone may be ready to give up- as a parent, or teacher, or community leader, or give up simply as a human being.  Perhaps what they need along with the voice of an angel is your voice.  A reassuring word from another human being.  Don’t rule out the possibility that you can be God’s “Elizabeth” for some uncertain soul.

See you at the singing place,  

Pastor Michelle

Monday, October 23, 2017

What if...We Do Something Extraordinary?

On Sunday October 15, Ridge UMC family heard a powerful testimony from John and Sue Molenaar about how God has moved through their lives and marriage in an extraordinary way.  Thank you John & Sue, for being amazing servants!
As Jesus wants to do something extraordinary in your life and mine, Jesus needs to grow our hearts and thus enlarge your capacity; making us a new creation. Capacity not only is about having a bigger heart to love more… but capacity is also about having a greater power to accomplish loving others.  
Jesus grows our capacity to love.  How are you giving Jesus your heart to grow your love capacity? Holding your heart back.  Feeling shy, or bruised or timid.  Extend even your broken heart for Jesus to mend and then wait and see how he will grow into back into your heart with an even greater capacity. 
We are also challenged to stretch our commitment to God in Jesus.  If we stretch our commitment to Jesus and his ways, then our deeper commitment will reap deeper investment.  If we hold back, or limit our investment, we will gain only a little.  
The same can be said about generosity.  Generosity begets generosity.  Over the past month as we have watched one hurricane after another impact, Texas, Florida, the keys, and Puerto Rico- you have responded generously.  We delivered over a dozen health kits, a flood bucket, four boxes of cleaning supplies, and that is all over and above the $4,542.00 we have sent onto UMCOR!  Wow- talk about stretching our commitment to be people of generosity… and we did that while giving to our ministries and our Thrive campaign!  WOW, well done, Ridge.
We are encouraged to expand our influence in the lives of others as our God blesses us with an expanding notion of family and friendships. As Jesus wants to do something extraordinary in your life and mine, Jesus expands who our neighbors are and thus grows the next ripple or ring in our sphere of influence.  Who is Jesus nudging you to mentor? Invite to coffee? Invest life or spiritual advice into?  Pour life into?  Don’t think you’re too old or too young or too anything… Jesus has someone in mind for you.
 Enlarging capacity, stretching commitment, expanding influence- imagine what God could do through you, through me, through us- when we trust Jesus with what we’ve been blessed with.  What if… what if you and I both did something extraordinary for Jesus? – this is our what if challenge as we lean into planning and preparing for our ministries in 2018! 

See you at Jesus’ possibility place,

Pastor Michelle

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

What if...We Seek God First?

Our challenge on Sunday at the conclusion of the message was to SEEK GOD in our checkbooks, calendars, and use of our talents/abilities.  Seeking God in everyone and everything means that you and I use God’s values as a priority means we consider our stuff. 

Giving a portion of our time, talent and treasure as a return to God is not a tax – imposed by some far off faceless deity (Luke 18:9-14). Being generous does not look like giving God’s kingdom the leftovers in your calendar or wallet (Malachi 1:8 (NLT); Numbers 18:29 (NLT)).  Contributing to the building or creation of God’s realm on earth through ministry and mission is not a bribe to gain good favor with God or earn a place in heaven or even get attention. 

Moreover, giving a tithe or 10% of your income is not a fundraiser for the Church.  Leave that for a bake sale or auction.  Tithing is about faith-raising.  When we set aside what we will give to God’s purposes, we demonstrate in a tangible way our trust in God’s providing care.  Finally, we read in Deuteronomy 14:22-23(NLT) that tithing is not an option.  It is a SOP (standard operating procedure) for the people of God to be about God’s business in the world. (See Matthew 23:23 (NLT).

I have learned over the years that if you don’t have the money thing right; you won’t have the heart thing right.  If you don’t have the heart thing right, you won’t have the money thing right either.  Seeking God as a priority by being generous is simple and easy.  We are giving to God as we comprehend the vision of what we do together and why it matters. 

Because of our three year commitments to THRIVE@Ridge, our congregation has had a game changer. No longer will we merely survive, but your generosity and faithfulness to God have turned us around to thrive in new and amazing ways.  As we move forward into 2018’s ministry together, please add to your prayer list these areas of ministry priority within our 2018 fiscal budget:
·        Missional activities and outreach to families with children
·        Connection and outreach events with youth in our community
·        Sharing the story of Jesus & Ridge UMC with others (marketing/publicity)
·        Care & visitation to our infirmed, homebound, &/or elderly
·        Leadership engagement through training & equipping of our members to be missional

This Sunday, October 15, you have the blessed opportunity to participate in something bigger, stronger, wider and larger than yourself and your household.  You have the opportunity to impact lives with Jesus’ hope, unconditional love, and meaning for life.  I am in prayer for you this week as you pause to consider how you will SEEK GOD in everyone and everything. 

See you at the seeking place,

Pastor Michelle

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

What if...we humble ourselves and pray?

We began our conversation on Sunday October 1, a day which will now also be remembered by a horrifying act of senseless violence and evil.  Often asking "what if...?" brings fear into our hearts and minds as we consider all the things that could go wrong in our world.  The mass shooting in Las Vegas is, sadly, just the most recent example of the 'wrongs' which are a part of our daily living.  But, Jesus does not want us to live in fear, aniexty, worry or panic.

Jesus Christ is the Light of the World, Hope in Darkness, and Life in Death.  Because of who he is and how we loves us, you and I are blessed with a different way to consider 'what if...".  What if, what if...?, becomes a question about possibility out of impossibility?  

Cindy Regnier's testimony of how God responded to her prayers during seemingly impossible times in her life lbeautifully illustrated this.  If you missed her sharing, please reach out to her to listen to her powerful personal story.  Thank you Cindy, for your vulnerability and willingness to trust God in impossibility.  

Moreover, what if asking the question of 'what if...?' shifts the conversation?  What if, what if..?, becomes a moment to trust God, who can do far more than we can imagine or give?

Reverend Linda Lawler helped us shift the conversation by challenging us on Sunday morning to turn from our wicked evil ways and thus re-orient ourselves back to God in Jesus.  Facing the beautiful loving face of God focuses us on the Holy Spirit's light, hope, and peace.  Because of how immense and amazing our God is, the eyes of our hearts have no more room for fear, aniexty, worry or panic.  Thus, we are invited to:

1) Humble ourselves and pray- Proverbs 22:4a; John 3:27-28, 30; 2 Chronicles 33:10-13; Matthew 6:5-8a

2) See God's Face- 1 Corinthians 13:12; 1 Chronicales 22:19; Colossians 3:1-2

3) Turn from our wicked ways- Psalm 10:4; Ezekiel 33:10-17

On Tuesday morning of this week I spent time in our Ridge sanctuary.  I knelt at our altar rail holding our Ridge UMC church directory in my hands.  As best as I could I held you and offered you into God's amazing light of hope in prayer.  

May each of us humbly turn, turn, turn to gaze deep into the loving, healing eyes of our Savior Jesus.  May our gaze remain upon Him " the things of this world grow strangely dim... in the light of his glory and grace."(UMHymnal #349 Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus).

See you at the turning place,

Pastor Michelle

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Fruitfulness of Thrive@Ridge

"For this reason, since the day we heard it, we have not ceased praying for you and asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of God’s[d]will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so that you may lead lives worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him, as you bear fruit in every good work and as you grow in the knowledge of God."(Colossians 1:9-10)

I have read these words from Paul many times, but the truth within these words resonates differently since Ridge UMC responded to our Thrive@Ridge First Fruits Sunday & Confirmation Sunday!  My prayers at 7:19am and 7:19pm have not yet ceased although we passed our 40 days a few days back.  One reason I have not stopped praying is because I am so grateful.  The other reason for my unceasing prayers is that I can see the 'fruits' of our campaign even though reducing debt is an 'invisible task'.

I see the fruits of our good work when I talk with leaders who are even more excited about what God is doing at Ridge.  Fruits of confidence in God are now more abundant.

Fruits are noticed in the changed mindset of our leaders and staff whose mindsets have left the survive mindset behind and are now willing to wrestle with new and lofty goals for the future!

We witnessed the fruits of ministry together on Sunday as we welcomed our newest and youngest members, our 2017 Confirmation class.  They are ready to do ministry with us!

We see the fruits when we celebrate that 57 families from Ridge have now pledged $535,212.00 to our debt reduction campaign over the next three years!

Finally, the tangible fruits filled our offering plates this past Sunday.  Ridge received her largest offering (in the history of the church) on Sunday May 21, 2017 as over $95,000.00 was given to our Thrive@Ridge debt reduction campaign (not counting our offerings/tithes for operating budget and missions).  Thanks be to God!

This is why I am not done saying, "Thank you" to you or to God!  Please join me in an attitude of gratitude as we bear the fruits of generosity, gratitude, hope, joy, and peace while we THRIVE@Ridge.

See you at the fruitfulness place,

Pastor Michelle

Happy Heaven's 1st Birthday, Earthly 72nd, Dad!

Here are the thoughts I shared with sixteen family and friends who attended last Saturday's burial or 'tucking in' of my father's ashes in Vandergrift, Pennsylvania.  I thought I would share it today on my Dad's birthday- May 23.

"My father was many things such as an advocate for higher education, county line dancer, golfer, jazz enthusiast, traveler, and avid Steelers fan.  He had many roles like son, grandson, brother, nephew, uncle, father, father in law, grandfather, etc.  He was an intelligent, thoughtful, opinionated, charming, stubborn, astute, and compassionate man with many quirky habits and routines. He was complex and also one-dimensional. 

What my father craved most in this world was also what he struggled with the most- close intimate relationships.  He lived and loved the best he could.  Some times that was often not in the manner others of us wanted or needed.  But he loved, his way. 

He enjoyed deviled eggs, kugala, a good steak and a lively conversation.  He was proud of his family heritage and history.  He regained a different equilibrium with himself (and others) when he returned to his Catholic heritage and faith.  I am grateful to his parish, his visiting Communion steward, and his partnership with the Catholics Come Home program for reconnecting him to his faith.

Thank you for being with me today as we give thanks for Rich’s life…regardless of what is or is not resolved between Rich and each of us; said or not said; done or not done; thought or not thought; we trust in Jesus’ greater power to heal, forgive, and restore what needs mending.  Jesus is the Great Physician, the healer. 

My father is finally, at last, at true peace.  For that I am deeply grateful.  We gather as close to his birthday as we can… a reminder for me that eternity is a new birth for my Dad and one day each of us.  My prayer is that each of us experience the healing comfort of our Savior Jesus.  Amen." 

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Who Knew? Miracles Can Still Happen!

When we read the gospel stories of Jesus doing amazing things like healing people of diseases, or walking on water, or stilling a storm, it is easy to think think "that happened then, but miracles could not happen now".

Same is true when we consider the stories of the early church miracles.

The joyful truth is that miracles happen today.  A miracle is happening at Ridge UMC.  An unlikely, beneficial event is taking place and would not be taking place without the Divine intervention of our God in Christ.

Our Thrive@Ridge Commitments are a miracle in progress!  47 families from Ridge have now pledged $471,212.00 towards the reduction of our debt!

Thank you to all of these families who are allowing God to use them to make a miracle happen!  We could not do this without God.  We cannot do this without one another!  We appreciate your generosity.

Our Rally Goal is to have 70 families participate in this effort.  Pastor Paden reminded me recently while interviewing our confirmands, "Christianity is a team sport."  We do this better- together.

This Sunday May 21, 2017 we invite those who are able to make a first fruits gift toward their pledge. Our offering could be the biggest one-time offering in the history of Ridge UMC!

Miracles happen.  Miracles happen because God wants Ridge to thrive!

See you at the miracle place,

Pastor Michelle

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Commitment Sunday- Little Cards Do Big Things!

My, how a little card can do a BIG thing!

Thank you for joining us in prayer during our season of Thrive@Ridge!  Our Prayer Walk on April 30th, pre-worship prayer times, and individual prayers at 7:19am and 7:19pm have kept our focus on God and God's power.  Let's continue to pray and encourage one another.  

On Sunday May 7th in worship we shared a very exciting announcement regarding our THRIVE@Ridge debt reduction campaign!  I am deeply grateful to the 24 Ridge families who have made early commitments to reduce the debt of our mortgage.  Their pledges total $289,102.00.  Wow!  

Thank you to these amazing families who have stepped out in faith early.  Your sacrificial gifts have inspired us!  

Our Goal #1 of $325,000 is very close.  By God's grace, we can surely meet this goal and launch ourselves into the next goal of $500,000.  

Moreover, our rally goal to engage 115 of our 185 families is achievable.  Let us come together because united is how we best impact the world for Christ.  

Our leadership team and I are in prayer for you and your family this week.  You will have the opportunity to make a second-mile, sacrificial commitment to THRIVE this coming Sunday, May 14th.  Pledge cards will be in the sanctuary pews or fellowship hall attendance pads.  Informational folders are available by both welcome tables at each building entrance.  

Little pledge cards have a BIG impact on the mission of Jesus through Ridge.  Bring yours this Sunday!

I am so very proud of you, our leadership and our Ridge family.  You continue to amaze me as a generous people who seek to fulfill the mission of Jesus.  Thank you for who you are and what you are doing!

See you at the thriving place,

Pastor Michelle

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Thrive Not Survive!

I am excited about Thrive@Ridge because God's Spirit is transforming us from a survival mind-set to a thrive mind-set.

Jesus wants Ridge to thrive!

As I have met in small groups with members of our community, I sense that our members and leaders want to thrive too.  We felt the pulse of thrive as we walked and prayed our way through our community on Sunday April 30th.  Twenty-five persons joined in our Prayer Walk!

Survival thinking says, "We'll never have enough money for the mortgage." That thought leads to Ridge not living our Jesus' command to make disciples because we are chasing after funds.

Thrive thinking debunks that by saying, "With the mortgage covered, let's focus on the main thing- sharing the love of Jesus with others!"

This week and next we have several important opportunities for you to come to a small group.  Sign up sheets are at the church office.  Ask questions and receive answers.  Call in if you cannot stop by to write your name in.

Survive mind-set believes, "We'll always have a mortgage payment."  That kind of belief means Ridge will be encumbered, slowed down, and inhibited in our ability to shape young lives and reach out to hurting and lonely people.

Thrive mind-set refutes that belief with affirmation, "With the debt gone, mission and ministry impacts will soar to new heights!"

Join us in prayer at 7:19am and 7:19pm as we pray for Ridge.

Our inter-faith community will gather on Thursday May 4 at 12:15pm for a brief inter-faith service in recognition for the National Day of Prayer.  Meet at the gazebo at Heritage Park in Munster.  Parking at St. Paul's Episcopal Church.

We pray at 8:45am and 10:45am on Sunday mornings before worship.  Your presence and prayers make a difference!

You can see the Thrive mind-set in the joy of our children, the passionate dedication of our youth, the amazing generosity of our mission efforts, the unending compassion of our care ministries, and the hard-working efforts of our lay leaders and staff!

Join me to say, "Goodbye survive and Hello thrive!"

See you at the thriving place,

Pastor Michelle

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Going on a Prayer Walk

When I was a girl scout, we liked to sing the song, Going on a Bear Hunt. It was silly and fun, incredibly interactive and energizing!

Prayer is like that.  It can be serious, but also silly and fun, interactive and energizing.

Ridge has begun our debt reduction campaign, Thrive@Ridge.  All of what we do and who we are needs to be rooted, grounded, and filled with prayer.  We do that because tackling a huge goal like $719,000 of debt on our mortgage is a serious business and we need serious help.  Yet, we also pray together because prayer, just like any other conversation, is interactive and energizing.

I have been praying at 7:19am and 7:19pm each day since Sunday April 23rd.  How neat to notice all the different places and situations I am when my "pray for Ridge" alarm rings.

This coming Sunday, April 30, we have an unusual prayer opportunity in which we will take our prayer to the streets of Munster.  Just as I have been appointed to a faith community and the community which surrounds it so too, are all disciples of Jesus sent out into the world to share Jesus' love.

Put the kiddos in a stroller or wagon.  Grab your dog's leash.  And let's walk and pray!  Put our feet where are prayers are.  Or put our prayers where are feet are.

We will be using an interactive prayer guide to pray for our school system, town leaders, police department, local businesses, fire department, hospital, local faith communities, and neighborhoods of Munster!

Unless you have something better to do on a Sunday evening than prayer- I will see you at 5pm in the Ridge parking lot.

See you at the praying place,

Pastor Michelle

Monday, April 10, 2017

All Roads of Forgiveness Lead to the Cross of Christ

Everything about this week leads to the cross of Christ.

  • The Palm Sunday parade as people are filled with great hope!  
  • The washing of one another's feet/hands as a commitment to serve as Christ serves us.  
  • The sharing of the bread and cup as a foretaste of forgiveness.  
  • The betrayal and arrest in a garden of prayer.  
  • The trial and conviction of Jesus.

All of these events of Christ's Passion lead us to the cross of Christ.  Outstretched to embrace all of humanity, Christ died for our forgiveness with God, one another, and ourselves.  He died that we may live fully in this life (unencumbered by regret) and the life to come.

And then the waiting happens.. just as it does in our human relationships.  We wait for the dawn of Easter when we recognize that God can be trusted to forgive and receive us again.  A cross and an empty tomb reconcile us to God.

But, in our human relationships reconcilation may or may not happen.  You and I know from our own experience that forgiveness does not, however, always lead to reconcilation.  We are complex creatures, full of illusions and/or inward resistance to what could bring new life.

I heard someone say that just as forgiveness is a journey so too is reconcilation.  Reconcilation may be the larger goal, but it may not be possible for us to achieve with others in this life.  God makes it possible for us to be reconciled to Godself, but human beings are another matter.

When reconcilation seems impossible with another person, we are left with a choice about whether or not to move forward with forgiveness on our side.  Forgiving can be, and often is, a one-way street with fellow human beings.

Thank God that God is God!  God is love.  Love aims to restore us to a new kind of life!  God creates a two way street so that we are welcomed home into Love's Eternal Arms.  The magnitude of God's undeserved gift of forgiveness for each of us opens us up to respond with heartfelt repentance and gratitude.  This is why the woman who annointed Jesus' feet cried.

Writes Gregory Jones, "it is not because the woman has shown repentance with tears that Jesus forgives her; rather, she shows repentance with tears beause she has already known forgiveness and thus has great love for Jesus.  It is her faith in his gift of pardon that saves her."

Again, it is the Unstoppable Love of Jesus that saves the woman, and you, and me.  May our response be one of great love in return.

See you in the forgiving place,

Pastor Michelle

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Forgiving: Embracing Freedom

This past Sunday morning I stood in the pulpit at our traditional service to deliver a message on the power of forgiveness.  I lacked sleep because we had been aware of my father's acute medical crisis in Indianapolis.  More than being aware of my fatigue, I was acutely aware of how forgiveness has been a major theme in my relationship with my Dad.

Our Christian faith informs us that we are bidden to forgive one another, as God in Christ, has forgiven us.  Over and over in the Gospels, Jesus calls us into forgiving one another and ourselves.  There I was preaching a message to myself more than giving a message to and for my people.  Trust me- when a preacher preaches to herself- it stings!

Forgiving others is imperative, not optional.  Jesus does not merely suggest forgiveness- but rather models, equips and challenges us to embrace the path of forgiveness throughout our lives. Forgiveness is the way of Christ.  Thus, it is the path of a believer and follower of Jesus.  And I am mightily glad that Jesus helps us because forgiving can be and is a very difficult thing to do.  I know this to be especially true with my dad.

Often our resistance to forgiveness can be summed up into two emotional responses: 1) "I should, but I don't want to" because our ego gets in our way; and 2) "I can't yet" which can be an healthy response to severe abuse or an invitation for more healing so that we can get over our own egos.

Preaching and teaching about forgiveness is very different from practicing forgiveness.  I can easily describe to you how 1) to ask for forgiveness or 2) to let go whatever you hold against a person. But doing it- being humble and letting go - those are moments when faith is lived.

Sunday afternoon through Tuesday morning my uncle and I were faced with critical decisions regarding my father's health care.  Fortunately, we were guided by an understanding of his wishes and our faith.  Knowing our time was short I whispered in my Daddy's ear, "I love you.  I forgive you. I know you love me.  And I ask that you forgive me for all the ways and times in which I failed to be the best daughter I could have been."

I had done much of my forgiving over the years, but the clarity of that moment of asking for forgiveness from him- was more freeing than I expected!  And it was a moment in which I prayed that my Dad would be launched with great freedom and joy into the world to come.  Indeed choosing to forgive is one of the most freeing and healing choices we can make in life.

I can attest that my burden is lighter!  I pray you will choose to forgive and embrace freedom.

See you in the forgiving place,

Pastor Michelle

Monday, March 20, 2017

Anger, Honesty and Forgiveness

As we continue our Lent journey, we also continue our journey of forgiveness.  We pause so that we can be self-reflective enough to consider all of our emotions.

We get honest.

To forgive or offer genuine apologies we need to become honest about our powerful, uncomfortable feelings such anger, jealousy, greed, sorrow, guilt, shame, and pain.

During our message this weekend, I encouraged folks to remember to read the Psalms as there is a Psalm for every emotion.  Therefore, there is a prayer for every feeling of the human heart before God.  Nothing is hidden.

One of the best ways to discover aspects of ourselves we are blind to is to look closely at our enemies.  It is often said that the things we can't stand in others reveal sides of ourselves we can't bear.

One journal exericse, if you are game, is to make a list.  Identify several eternal enemies in your life such as specific people, government groups, people groups, or situations.  Name them and give as much specific information as you can.  What about these persons or situations make you feel so critical or have such hostility?

Now, make a second list on another sheet of paper.  This time identify internal enemies in your life; attitudes, behaviors, reactions, perceived weaknesses or limitations.

Finally, compare your lists.  What do you notice?  Are there any common themese?  Any surprises or fresh connections for you about yourself such as patterns or opposites?

As we seek to know ourselves and be known by our God in Christ Jesus we ask, "What can you learn from our eternal and internal enemies?"  What can they teach us about how we handle conflict?  Or what we struggle with that needs strengthening?

Your reflections become fodder for more prayer.  Seek God's presence in the midst of your honesty about your feelings about all of your enemies.  Our genuine response which moves us further in our capacity for forgiveness is to invite Jesus' healing grace into our lives.

See you in the forgiving place,

Pastor Michelle

Monday, March 13, 2017

Looking Closely in the Mirror

"I am startin' with the man in the mirror
I am asking him to change his ways" 
(from Michael Jackson's Man in the Mirror)

As a prelude or movement into forgiveness, we must take the courageous step of self-examination.  Just as women need to perform self-exams to prevent cancer or illness, so too does spiritual self-examination prevent us from falling further away from God and a life of abundance.

I blame it on my uncle.  Originally, he planned on becoming a Jesuit, but instead he joined the Paulist Fathers.  Long ago while I was in seminary at Duke, my Uncle (Father) Mike sent a large box of books to my second floor apartment.

Seminarians already have too much to read, but my wise uncle who made it through Yale Divinity School with flying colors knew I needed a different sort of reading.  Packed tightly in a box were a stack of spiritual classics on Christians mystics and saints!  He fed my soul while my brain was learning to love God.

Tucked into that welcome box of respite from theological treatises and biblical commentaries was a little thin book which introduced me to St. Ignatius' examen.  (As I said Uncle Mike almost became a Jesuit!)  There some where between Cameron Indoor Stadium, Duke Garden, Duke chapel, and the Divinity school library (which always smelled moldly in the spring) I began asking myself questions.

I would look in the mirror of my day and ask, "For what I am most grateful?  for what am I least grateful?"  Or "how have I experienced consolation or desolation in my day?"  Sounds simple enough.  And it is.  But it is not simple, at all, really.

Asking these sorts of questions daily begins to have an accumulated impact on how I hold myself accountable to Christ's teachings, what connections do I notice between my actions and attitudes, and how I practice the faith I believe in.  That may not be simple, but it has become a practice of self-check.  It is the mirror that I ponder as I seek more of Christ and less of me.

I invite you to ask yourself for this next week these questions.  Journal or take note of your responses.  Talk with a trusted wise spiritual friend.  Invite the Holy Spirit to bring you healing and forgiveness.

See you in the forgiving place,

Pastor Michelle

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Forgiving- Healing the Human Family

Every week in Sunday morning worship we say the same thing.  I wonder if we are aware of the significance of the words coming out of our mouths?

"...forgive us as we forgive those who trespass (or sin) against us..."

Important things are often repeated.  Helpful things are shared more than once, because they are very helpful.  Maybe that is part of why we say these words so often. Forgiveness is important.  And forgiveness helps our relationships.

Forgiveness, writes Marjorie Thompson, is the foundation from which new life flows in a wounded, strife-weary world.  And if ever there was a time in our contemporary era in which people who think differently from one another, vote differently, and politic differently need to find other ways to connect for the first time or re-connect through forgiveness; now is the best time to consider the gift that forgiveness is. A community, no matter the size or shape, is difficult, if not impossible, to establish if an offering of apology or recognition of wound is not addressed and healed.

Last Sunday we talked about how the best starting point for forgiveness is not ourselves, nor the people we want to forgive (or who need our apology), but the best starting point on forgiveness is our God in Christ.

Rev. Thompson concludes that "Forgiveness is an out-pouring of love from the inner life of the Trinity and can only be fully understood when experienced as a transforming power in the life of a human community that mirrors God's being."  God's mysterious and unique nature, as a three-in-one-Holy Being, is a manifestation of love which over spills into our hearts...empowering us to ask, seek, and offer forgiveness.

This week as you move through your Lent journey... start with God as you pray.  Start with asking God's Spirit to show you for whom you need to forgive.  Start with seeking God's Spirit to reveal who you need to apologize or seek their forgiveness.  And trust that our God in Christ is big enough, large enough, and loving enough to aid you in your giving and receiving of forgiveness.

See you at the forgiving place,

Pastor Michelle

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Lenten Forgiveness


My Facebook newsfeed looks like a last minute Christmas stocking shopping spree; with Christians all over social media looking for something to "give up" or "something to take on" as their Lenten discipline.  Faithful people gathering whatever they can find and tossing in their baskets before the deadline today.  Perhaps you are still searching for what "to do" or "not to do" this lent.

After my wellness doctor's visit in January, there are plenty of things I have already given up for the sake of health, wholeness and vitality.  Chocolate, breads, and carbs of all kinds are gone from my life for a while.  Processed and boxed foods are gone.  Noodles are no more.  I write "missing you" letters to chocolate.  At night I dream of soft, warm yeast rolls.  sigh.

Lent 2017 will be different.  Time to shake-up my devotional reading.  Re-do my prayer life.  Re-fresh my soul as my body adjusts to healthier foods.  Back to the basics.  As Coach K would say, now is the time to work on fundamentals.

Our Ridge sermon series during Lent will focus on one of the basics; forgiveness. Reverend Marjorie Thompson writes, "There is no Christianity without forgiveness."  That sounds as basic and fundamental as it can be.

To aid me in our Lenten journey with forgiveness, my prayer life will take on a different discipline.  I have felt led by the Spirit to pray through my Ridge church directory during Lent.  Praying for each Ridge parent, grandparent, partner/spouse, teen or child by name each day during a week of Lent.  On Wednesday mornings our church staff will join me.

My prayer will be, "Blessed Jesus, have mercy on us sinners. Thank you for forgiving, healing and restoring this family to you first.  And then, give courage to each person as they offer authentic, "I am sorry" or "I forgive you" to themselves, one another, and others in our world.  Heal us, Lord Jesus! Heal our church, Lord Jesus!  Heal our world, Lord Jesus!  Amen."

See you at the forgiving place,

Pastor Michelle