Wednesday, October 11, 2017

What if...We Seek God First?

Our challenge on Sunday at the conclusion of the message was to SEEK GOD in our checkbooks, calendars, and use of our talents/abilities.  Seeking God in everyone and everything means that you and I use God’s values as a priority means we consider our stuff. 

Giving a portion of our time, talent and treasure as a return to God is not a tax – imposed by some far off faceless deity (Luke 18:9-14). Being generous does not look like giving God’s kingdom the leftovers in your calendar or wallet (Malachi 1:8 (NLT); Numbers 18:29 (NLT)).  Contributing to the building or creation of God’s realm on earth through ministry and mission is not a bribe to gain good favor with God or earn a place in heaven or even get attention. 

Moreover, giving a tithe or 10% of your income is not a fundraiser for the Church.  Leave that for a bake sale or auction.  Tithing is about faith-raising.  When we set aside what we will give to God’s purposes, we demonstrate in a tangible way our trust in God’s providing care.  Finally, we read in Deuteronomy 14:22-23(NLT) that tithing is not an option.  It is a SOP (standard operating procedure) for the people of God to be about God’s business in the world. (See Matthew 23:23 (NLT).

I have learned over the years that if you don’t have the money thing right; you won’t have the heart thing right.  If you don’t have the heart thing right, you won’t have the money thing right either.  Seeking God as a priority by being generous is simple and easy.  We are giving to God as we comprehend the vision of what we do together and why it matters. 

Because of our three year commitments to THRIVE@Ridge, our congregation has had a game changer. No longer will we merely survive, but your generosity and faithfulness to God have turned us around to thrive in new and amazing ways.  As we move forward into 2018’s ministry together, please add to your prayer list these areas of ministry priority within our 2018 fiscal budget:
·        Missional activities and outreach to families with children
·        Connection and outreach events with youth in our community
·        Sharing the story of Jesus & Ridge UMC with others (marketing/publicity)
·        Care & visitation to our infirmed, homebound, &/or elderly
·        Leadership engagement through training & equipping of our members to be missional

This Sunday, October 15, you have the blessed opportunity to participate in something bigger, stronger, wider and larger than yourself and your household.  You have the opportunity to impact lives with Jesus’ hope, unconditional love, and meaning for life.  I am in prayer for you this week as you pause to consider how you will SEEK GOD in everyone and everything. 

See you at the seeking place,

Pastor Michelle

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