I am excited about Thrive@Ridge because God's Spirit is transforming us from a survival mind-set to a thrive mind-set.
Jesus wants Ridge to thrive!
As I have met in small groups with members of our community, I sense that our members and leaders want to thrive too. We felt the pulse of thrive as we walked and prayed our way through our community on Sunday April 30th. Twenty-five persons joined in our Prayer Walk!
Survival thinking says, "We'll never have enough money for the mortgage." That thought leads to Ridge not living our Jesus' command to make disciples because we are chasing after funds.
Thrive thinking debunks that by saying, "With the mortgage covered, let's focus on the main thing- sharing the love of Jesus with others!"
This week and next we have several important opportunities for you to come to a small group. Sign up sheets are at the church office. Ask questions and receive answers. Call in if you cannot stop by to write your name in.
Survive mind-set believes, "We'll always have a mortgage payment." That kind of belief means Ridge will be encumbered, slowed down, and inhibited in our ability to shape young lives and reach out to hurting and lonely people.
Thrive mind-set refutes that belief with affirmation, "With the debt gone, mission and ministry impacts will soar to new heights!"
Join us in prayer at 7:19am and 7:19pm as we pray for Ridge.
Our inter-faith community will gather on Thursday May 4 at 12:15pm for a brief inter-faith service in recognition for the National Day of Prayer. Meet at the gazebo at Heritage Park in Munster. Parking at St. Paul's Episcopal Church.
We pray at 8:45am and 10:45am on Sunday mornings before worship. Your presence and prayers make a difference!
You can see the Thrive mind-set in the joy of our children, the passionate dedication of our youth, the amazing generosity of our mission efforts, the unending compassion of our care ministries, and the hard-working efforts of our lay leaders and staff!
Join me to say, "Goodbye survive and Hello thrive!"
See you at the thriving place,
Pastor Michelle
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