Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Living into the NEW

Some of my friends have been dutifully checking on me since I am now into the 2nd month of my major life/career/vocation switcheroo! Nice to know people care!

I have been remiss on updates and reflections of what it has been like to live in a new house with a new town, new school, new puppy, and new vocation/job/career direction.  So here is an update...
  1. began a different spiritual discipline routine
  2. spent month of July unpacking home (no more boxes)
  3. got teen ready for 9th grade and launched into high school (sniff, sniff)
  4. sat for an afternoon and just listened
  5. hosted 3 generations of extended family for a massive reunion
  6. attempting (but not yet successful) potty training/house breaking of new mini golden doodle puppy
  7. forced family to eat new recipes...husband 4-4; teen daughter 3-4!
  8. wrote and submitted 2 devotionals
  9. wrote and submitted 1 blog post
  10. wrote and submitted 2 meme/photo inspirational posts
  11. pondered deep thoughts from a comfy couch in which I feel asleep
  12. guest preached at grandparent's former church
  13. dreamed weird and bizarre dreams
  14. found vet, dry cleaner, UPS store, grocery store, dog groomer, ice cream places, new fav restaurants, and pizza place, etc. 
  15. met the neighbors (at least the nice ones and talk to us outside while telling puppy, to "poop, poop, please!")
  16. re-connected with spiritual direction community
  17. read a novel about murder
  18. spent a day crying
  19. began plans to co-write and direct women's spiritual renewal retreats
  20. took a lot of naps
  21. began some grant writing work for a wonderful non-for-profit
  22. cleaned up too many puppy messes
  23. oh and lots and lots of laundry
After watching a Live at Yellowstone National Park episode on National Geographic I find sweet companionship with the fish who swim up stream this season of the year to spawn. All of my high school and college girlfriends are returning to the work force after being home with their kiddos, etc.  And here I am moving against the current to be a stay-at-home wife/mother/writer, etc.  Gotta laugh at that!

And yes, I do find the adjustment awkward or wonderful depending on the moment you ask me, "How's it going?"

But, hey, thanks for asking!


Anonymous said...

You are exactly where God calls you to be and I am so blessed to call you friend(best friend). I knew all of this about you yet still chuckled a bit as I read it!

Kristina said...

Love that you are back here in the burg now! Excited for this journey for you and to show others to follow the plan HE has for you. You were part of our greatest blessings and losses. Marrying Troy and I, baptizing all my children, and helping us rightfully mourn the loss of our son. Keep following your path.