Monday, July 1, 2019

A Dream Church- Thank you to Ridge UMC, Munster, Indiana!

The following poem, A Dream Church, I wrote in November of 2014 as I was in prayerful discernment about God's next calling in and on my vocation.  I had not yet met the people of Ridge UMC nor knew how we would be connected in ministry by early 2015 (my family and I arrived in July of 2015).   

My heart was full on Sunday June 30, 2019 as I shared this poem with the congregation as a part of our farewell.  Our God moves in amazing ways to connect us to one another for God's greater purpose!  Just- wow! 

A Dream Church

I dream a church to shepherd…
where kiddos with donut smudged faces sit at Jesus’ knee,
while tattooed young adults clasp Grandma’s gnarled hand in the dripping candlelight of Christmas Eve;
and where the old men fuss over the dreams of teens
as much as toddlers cling to the legs of blue-haired warriors of prayer;

A church where life’s joys and sorrows soak into each other like bread in the cup, fulfilling the truth that best of all; God = Emmanuel!
I dream a church…
imperfect and messy, plodding and deliberate in movement,
compassionate and gossipy, sassy and humorous, mentally ill and quirky;
            made of bent, but not broken people,
who are sinners in recovery toward sainthood, and
saints in recovery from their hypocrisy.

Church who is lukewarm and resilient, strong and uncertain,
passionate and weary, but always a leaning church…
leaning deep into the wide and buoyant grace of God.

A church poised in her past yet, ready to pounce into the unfolding of God’s vision. 

I dream a church…
who has not valued the yet-to-be abundant harvest from Her neighbor soccer fields, ball diamonds, and dance classes;
who yearn to know how their absence would devastate their community;
who are hungry to live purposefully;
and who may have forgotten Whose they are and Where they are going-
but when reminded - the fire ignites and the people flash into a Pentecost flame!

A church ripe to live another life chapter: together.

Yes, oh yes, I dream big dreams.
I dream a church to shepherd. 

And as any dreamer does: I pray, “Does the church still dream?”
What does the church dream for in a shepherd?
Does She dream for a shepherd-leader-teacher-preacher-prophetic sayer-priest and prayer that is me?
Better yet, when the Church dreams does She also pray like a dreamer asking,
”Does a shepherd still dream?”

May, the God of all Dreamers, grant our dreams to come true. 

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