Friday, September 11, 2015

Happy Birthday, Ridge UMC!

Our congregation celebrates this weekend (actually we've been celebrating all year long) our 60th Anniversary of ministry!

It is amazing to consider how many baptisms, wedding and funerals our congregation has had.  Or how many persons were launched in to vocational ministry or pastoral ministry as a result of the nurture they received at Ridge UMC.  Think about the amount and depth of prayers which have been prayed (and answered) by our gracious God!

Boggles the mind and heart!

As we celebrate the good stuff, give thanks for God's presence through the tough stuff, we realized one important thing.  Our ministry is not over.  We have not reached the finish line.  We're not down with our mission to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.

There are more disciples to be made... and the disciple we have are still diligently striving to transform the world... because of and through God's grace in Jesus' love by the power of the Holy Spirit.

When we think about it this way- we don't have time to pause for a long party!

So my prayer is that our celebration will strengthen us; rejuvenate us; remind us of our purpose for being; and ultimately 'set us on fire again' to be people of the Way.

Bring on the next 60 years... cannot wait to see what God will accomplish inspite of us and through us for others!

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