Thursday, December 20, 2012

Tending the Light

Yesterday as my eight year old sat in the car with me doing her grammar homework, we traveled north to my church office.  A trip to my church office is not unusual for my daughter and I, but this errand had a special purpose.  Diana listened during the sermon on the weekend about the Peace Light, she said, "I want to get the light too, Momma!" and now we were on our way to receive the light.  (See )

She is quite smitten with the Light.  In fact, she is taken by it.  So precious to watch her keen and avid interest in the Light.  She told me how she had dreamed about bringing the Light home.  And how special the Light is.

Once we arrived at church, she carefully lit our candle from the peace light flame in the office suite.  And then we began our eight mile journey with an open flame in our car!  We made sure her favorite stuffed animal (her caterpillar) would not catch fire.  All the way, she would give me updates, "Its okay Momma, the light is just fine!"  And then after a moment of deep thought, "You know, Momma, if our light goes out we could still drive back to church and get another!"  It seems my kid has an emergency plan for the light.

Once home she literally introduced her father to the Peace Light as if it had a persona all it's own (and it does!)  She told him all about how it had traveled from the church in Bethlehem (Church of the Nativity (built on the traditional site of Christ's birthplace a cave/grotto in the hillside of Bethlehem) and is lit by a child every year) and now the light is going around the world before Christmas.

Throughout the evening while making Christmas cookies and decorating them, she checked on the light.
Early this morning in the dark rain, she wandered into the kitchen in her fuzzy, footed jammies to see how the light was doing.

I was summoned about out of bed with, "Oh, Momma, come see... it is beautiful!  The light is glowing all around.  (She paused to grab my hand in hers) You know Momma, as the light goes around the world to more and more people... something really good is going to happen this year because this Light is special!  it is from Bethlehem!"

My kid tends the Light.  And she is tended by the One Who Is the Light.  And how exquisitely beautiful to see them glow upon each other... my child's face glowing with God's Light of Peace and the Light of Peace spilling over into the light in my child's eyes.

This is my moment.  Now I have had Christmas come... into my heart.

Come tend the Light and be tended by it!

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