Friday, December 21, 2012

Advent 4

Since the world did not end (via the Mayan calendar) we will have the last week of Advent after all! No snow storm will stop us. And it is a short week... one day and part of another.  Does not give us much time to pause and ponder the fourth candle added to our wreath.  The candle of love.

The powers that be (aka the dude who works down the hall from me) decided that I should preach this weekend.  The Gospel text is from Luke's first chapter about Mary visiting her kinswoman, Elizabeth.  In spite of the fact that I have been sharing this story all month with our shut ins, my sermon work this week has been slow and tedious.

Yet every time I gaze upon this piece of art... and bit more of the crusty junk of life flake off of me and my heart melts into the love poured out at Christmas.  Ponder this art and pray.

(The three of you that read this will see this piece again on Sunday in worship as I share it with our congregation.)   May Love dwell among and within us!  And may we leap with JOY!

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