Thursday, August 2, 2012

Summer's Lessons

During the short eight weeks we had a 'summer break' at my house, several lessons were learned without the benefit of a classroom other than what life provided.  My garden may not have grown... but I think I have.

Because there is not a report card at this end of this 'grading period", I thought I'd muse around with a written note of lessons learned.  You can decide how these lessons may apply to your journey.

  1. All life requires water.
  2. Droughts manifest themselves in many different ways.
  3. Ministry is more fun when it is shared.
  4. Praying for and loving others through an active prayer life is AWESOME.
  5. Even God's Spirit can surprise you.
  6. Saying goodbye to good friends as well as old yucky attitudes challenges.
  7. You can fall in love with God and your spouse over and over again (and it gets more rewarding and enriching each time).
  8. Moms with metronomes are not appreciated until much, much later in life.
What have you been learning this summer?

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