August has been one of those months. Members of the congregation brought me an item from their home which must be Rated G for general viewing audiences. Wrapped in a brown bag the item is brought forward in the sanctuary during our children's message which I typically do because our senior pastor is the primary preacher. When I preach he takes over the children's message for the morning... unless it is Brown Bag month. Then, on the fly (and in front of the entire congregation) I have to come up with a message about how this item teaches us or reminds about God, our faith or living as faithful people in the world.
Sounds easy, doesn't it?! But you have no idea the amount of butterflies that appear in my stomach during the doxology which precedes the children's sermon every week. Egads!?
I have no idea where or how I got the brown bag children's sermon idea... and I must be crazy to torture myself with it. But the kids and congregation LOVE it.
Singles, grandparent age couples, families with teens and families with kids in every level of school... brought me their brown bags this month. If you missed the fun here's a list of the items:
- dream catcher- talked about how God often speaks to us through our dreams and related several bible stories. Thanks Dan!
- toothpaste- spoke about how God wants to protect us from harm and things that would destroy us like toothpaste works to prevent cavities. Thanks Bill and Raki!
- empty bag- related the story of the empty tomb and how empty things like the tomb are full of meaning and importance for our faith. Thanks Blake, Stephanie, Tom, Nathan and Brynn!
- dice- shared the story of the soldiers who gambled (i.e. rolled dice or lots) to see who would get Jesus clothing after his death. During that experience of suffering, mocking, 'deadly bullying' Jesus remained firm in his faith and shows us how to move through life experiences when we suffer and are bullied. Thanks Nathan, Stacie, Tim and Jon!
To all the families who participated- thank you! I am sure you wanted to stump me or come up with something different. And you have!
What has been the most fun is talking with teens and adults afterwards about all the OTHER ideas or ways I could have gone with the brown bag item... makes us all of us learn how to think theologically... and maybe just maybe that has been my point all along! *wink*
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