Yes, you can get two turkey breasts in the same pan, roast them together and have enough leftovers for 3 days. We had a great Thanksgiving at our house- how about you?
Our guest list was short with only eight people representing all facets of our side, his side etc. Diana was thrilled to learn that SHE was the only person at Thanksgiving who was technically related to everyone there! Makes her even more special.
We ate lots of food, drank good wine, and enjoyed some football and sunshine. Super conversations without any family fueds or fights.
Everyone at our table was asked to write down on a piece of paper what they were thankful for this year. Then, after we ate... we drew out a card and Diana tried to guess who the person was based on the list of thankful things. It was a hoot! And very special to hear what folks wrote down... faith, health, family, meaningful work, humor and even 'problems that grow character' were on the lists.
Now, we're preparing for the next holy day. I think I'll bring a little thankfulness into my Advent.
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