Thursday, November 3, 2011

End of the Year/New Year Pre-Panic

In order to make the holidays more holy and festive I have decided to do all of my new year's panic and freak out early. I can be organized about everything- so why not schedule my panic! Far more efficient that way!

This week I purchased a new (floral design) 2012 Personal Calendar. Ever since the purchase my pen has been to paper filing in the boxes with piano recitals, dance recitals, church events, confirmation, holidays, and birthdays. This means I am planning and organizing the 2012 confirmation class along with Lent and Easter. Why I have even looked into next summer regarding our family plans along with Vacation Bible School!

And I can feel the panic level rising.

Especially when the boss-man and I chatted about volume two of our book series. (We have our goal of the end of May.) Ack! The blood pressure is rising already! And to be honest so is the adreline and excitment of new adventures. A new year does contain a kind of freshness like new fallen snow or the beauty of an uncut cake.

But all this leaning into the new year... does have me off balance. So this afternoon I need to take care of things for today- like the mom's never ending task of homework and piano practicing. Or the dishes. Or paying the bills.

Mostly, I am tremendously grateful for the life I am able to lead, the love I am able to give, and the joy of serving a Loving, Living Lord in this year and next!

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