Meet Michelle. Yep- even weirder that she and I share the same name. Added together we've had our name longer than the current First Lady of the United States who had her birthday this past weekend. But this Michelle, our intern, goes by Shelly.
When you call the church office to ask for someone to help with your contributions make sure you inquire- about Shellody. If you want to speak to our intern- ask for Shelly. And if you'd rather talk to me about something- ask for Michelle.
She's only been with us for a week and already we've done some pastoral care visits, attended a staff meeting, been in worship (for her installation and the 'object' of my children's sermon) and Confirmation class. Anybody have roller blades to loan her for the rest of the term?!
Please welcome her. Please pray for her. And please help us all teach her what it means...
- to be a servant leader
- lead others in thinking theologically
- grow the Kingdom of God among us
- represent Christ and His church
- be a pastor who teaches, preaches, leads, prays, organizes, writes, greets, meets, visits, helps, shepherds, visions, moves, stands still, administers, presides, officiates, counsels, rebukes, challenges, encourages, casts, creates, cries, and digs deep into life offering the wisdom of a poet in the midst of the Resurrected Life.
Pray for me and my shadow...
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