Thursday, January 21, 2010

Surrender the Day

One of my favorite sounds from our home is the patter of rain falling on the skylights in our upstairs bonus room. As I blog today patter serves as my background noise. It is a lovely chatter reminding me to enjoy being home where it is warm and being sheltered where it is dry.

If today had gone like it was planned- there would have been no rain concert for me in the bonus room. When the weather throws the schools off their normal schedule- it puts parents off their typical schedule too. And sometimes that is a God thing.

My day had a full itinerary that at 6:45am was suddenly surrendered to a different plan. No more travel trip to Bloomington, no more afternoon to catch up on paperwork and finish some writing at the office. Instead I had a preschooler to care, entertain, feed and accompany me during the day. One who refuses to leave her favorite stuffed animal, a caterpillar, behind on the of chance he might decide to morph into a butterfly and flitter off to Mexico.

A Type One-first born-leader-Alpha female- personality has a hard time giving up the TO DO List, letting go of the plan, and setting aside not only the work, but the unmet expectations not working might bring. No wonder God does this sort of thing to me often. Lesson to learn here. Wish I could forgo learning it through experience.

But alas, here I am drowning out my TO DO list with the patter of rain and the matter of Barbie doll clothes, stuffed animals, puzzles, and Candyland cards...

Wonder what tomorrow will bring?

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