For all the fans out there who enjoy a good blog about my 83 pound yellow lab- here it is!
Last week was Pet Week in my daughter's preschool class. You can imagine the commotion involved with pets visiting all week long. Of course, my number #1 daughter wanted to show off her pet. "I want my friends to see Duke!"
I tried to talk her out of it.
Suggestions were made of taking in his puppy scrapbook, showing tuffs of his fur instead, or even web cam'ing the event rather than bringing the poor animal into an overcrowded kid filled classroom. Did I mention that I failed to change her mind?
She is stubborn just like our dog.
Of course, Duke- if you could ask him- was up for the experience. It involved his favorite things: getting to ride in the car, meeting new people, getting attention, smelling new smells, getting more attention, etc. He didn't care what it would do to my schedule or how his feet would leave imprints of wetness everywhere. He wanted to go, go go!
We went. And surprisingly he did better than I thought he would. He only attempted to jump onto the grownups (because they didn't bend down to pet him). He sniffed the frightened girls twice (which he needs to work on). He did his 2 tricks (while leaving behind tuffs of his fur). And he knocked down a kid with a swoosh of his otter tail.
The problem was the kids- the more they squealed and the higher the pitch became the more excited and feverish Duke became. So- we need to work on that.
All told I would give him a B- on his behavior.
Me- well after it was all over and I took him home- he had a big drink of water and I needed a nap!
Michelle L. Knight; pastor, author, spiritual director, retreat leader, poet and grant writer
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Saw Jesus
I ran into Jesus this morning...
- he smiled brightly every time he handed a cup of cold raspberry Kool Aid to a thirsty person
- he told he he'd pray for my friends after they fed him a hot meal
- he laughed at my sports jokes while standing in line
- he complimented one of my confirmands about her terrific manners and kindness
- he sat down with a young mom and talked about her special needs baby
- he watched vigilantly over me and my sheep- protecting us from harm
- he worked hard cleaning, preparing and serving others without complaining
- he raised his hand and rushed to help every time someone asked for something to be done
- he made others feels at ease and special with a simple kindness
How about you? Where did you see Jesus today? Or better yet- how did you welcome and greet him?
Nineteen confirmands and fifteen adults from our church met him face to face today. He was among us and the 243 hungry, desperate people we served lunch to at Roberts Park UMC.
What a joy! What a privilege to see him and welcome him together!
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Surrender the Day
One of my favorite sounds from our home is the patter of rain falling on the skylights in our upstairs bonus room. As I blog today patter serves as my background noise. It is a lovely chatter reminding me to enjoy being home where it is warm and being sheltered where it is dry.
If today had gone like it was planned- there would have been no rain concert for me in the bonus room. When the weather throws the schools off their normal schedule- it puts parents off their typical schedule too. And sometimes that is a God thing.
My day had a full itinerary that at 6:45am was suddenly surrendered to a different plan. No more travel trip to Bloomington, no more afternoon to catch up on paperwork and finish some writing at the office. Instead I had a preschooler to care, entertain, feed and accompany me during the day. One who refuses to leave her favorite stuffed animal, a caterpillar, behind on the of chance he might decide to morph into a butterfly and flitter off to Mexico.
A Type One-first born-leader-Alpha female- personality has a hard time giving up the TO DO List, letting go of the plan, and setting aside not only the work, but the unmet expectations not working might bring. No wonder God does this sort of thing to me often. Lesson to learn here. Wish I could forgo learning it through experience.
But alas, here I am drowning out my TO DO list with the patter of rain and the matter of Barbie doll clothes, stuffed animals, puzzles, and Candyland cards...
Wonder what tomorrow will bring?
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Welcome to our Intern
"Me and my shadow..." I vaguely recall a song lyric from my childhood like that...maybe I better Google it again to check on the reference. But I have a new shadow for the next four months. And no this shadow business does not mean it will be 6 more weeks of winter. It does mean I have the terrifying privilege and huge responsibility to help a student figure out what God is asking her to do.
Meet Michelle. Yep- even weirder that she and I share the same name. Added together we've had our name longer than the current First Lady of the United States who had her birthday this past weekend. But this Michelle, our intern, goes by Shelly.
When you call the church office to ask for someone to help with your contributions make sure you inquire- about Shellody. If you want to speak to our intern- ask for Shelly. And if you'd rather talk to me about something- ask for Michelle.
She's only been with us for a week and already we've done some pastoral care visits, attended a staff meeting, been in worship (for her installation and the 'object' of my children's sermon) and Confirmation class. Anybody have roller blades to loan her for the rest of the term?!
Please welcome her. Please pray for her. And please help us all teach her what it means...
- to be a servant leader
- lead others in thinking theologically
- grow the Kingdom of God among us
- represent Christ and His church
- be a pastor who teaches, preaches, leads, prays, organizes, writes, greets, meets, visits, helps, shepherds, visions, moves, stands still, administers, presides, officiates, counsels, rebukes, challenges, encourages, casts, creates, cries, and digs deep into life offering the wisdom of a poet in the midst of the Resurrected Life.
Pray for me and my shadow...
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Firming Up Faith
We did it again. We've begun another Confirmation journey. This time with nineteen students (14 of them female and 5 male). What a trip this will be!
I must confess that I am really excited about this year's group. From the looks on their faces and the bits of their lives I already know our class will be fascinating and lots of fun. Be thinking about we learn together, play games, earn points, receive prizes, feed the homeless, go on retreat, worship at other churches, write faith statements, meet in interviews, and meet with mentors.
It is difficult to tell who firms up their faith more- the confirmands? or their parents? or their mentors? or Andrew and I as teachers/leaders?
Thanks be to God- we do firm up our faith in the process.
I must confess that I am really excited about this year's group. From the looks on their faces and the bits of their lives I already know our class will be fascinating and lots of fun. Be thinking about we learn together, play games, earn points, receive prizes, feed the homeless, go on retreat, worship at other churches, write faith statements, meet in interviews, and meet with mentors.
It is difficult to tell who firms up their faith more- the confirmands? or their parents? or their mentors? or Andrew and I as teachers/leaders?
Thanks be to God- we do firm up our faith in the process.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
How We Really Are
Yesterday afternoon during my phone conversation with my favorite mother in law (I have only one, but she is terrific!)- she asked me, after I inquired about her final five chemotherapy treatments, how I was. Her question stopped me in my tracks.
Here I was talking with her, packing her a care package of frozen goodies, trying to clean the house, start supper, do a load of our dog's laundry (yes our dog has laundry), sort the mail, set the table, and put away the clean clothes.
And she really wanted to know how I was. Her question was not a passing polite inquiry that expected a polite but short noncommittal answer. When my mother in law wants to know how I am doing- she is genuinely interested.
But because my mind and body were elsewhere in the doing of too many things because I was a half day behind in my rountine- it took me a few moments to adjust and offer an honest assestment. What a wonderful gift she gave me- to ask and really mean it, to wait for me to access how I am, and then to listen long enough for my answer.
Wonder how often I give that gift to others?
My spiritual direction group who have been meeting quarterly since 2002 have a traditional question we share after food, hugs, and warm hellos. We ask, "Now, how are you really?" No polite answers. You must commit to your comments and thoughts. And we listen long and hard to one another. It is a wonderful time of sharing.
Since the gift has been given to me- I feel compelled to share it with others.
So- how are you really?
Here I was talking with her, packing her a care package of frozen goodies, trying to clean the house, start supper, do a load of our dog's laundry (yes our dog has laundry), sort the mail, set the table, and put away the clean clothes.
And she really wanted to know how I was. Her question was not a passing polite inquiry that expected a polite but short noncommittal answer. When my mother in law wants to know how I am doing- she is genuinely interested.
But because my mind and body were elsewhere in the doing of too many things because I was a half day behind in my rountine- it took me a few moments to adjust and offer an honest assestment. What a wonderful gift she gave me- to ask and really mean it, to wait for me to access how I am, and then to listen long enough for my answer.
Wonder how often I give that gift to others?
My spiritual direction group who have been meeting quarterly since 2002 have a traditional question we share after food, hugs, and warm hellos. We ask, "Now, how are you really?" No polite answers. You must commit to your comments and thoughts. And we listen long and hard to one another. It is a wonderful time of sharing.
Since the gift has been given to me- I feel compelled to share it with others.
So- how are you really?
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Freak of Nature
Yes, it is an "apple butt" or the polite term is "an apple with a bottom"! There were no others quite like it.
We have yet as a family to decide who gets to eat this freak of nature. Anyway you slice it- this will be a funny meal when we do.
It was too weird and funny not to share! You just never know what God will create! :)
Goals for the 2010 Year
While I have not been blogging much lately, I have been working on other writing. Primarily, my new goals for 2010 have taken my time and attention. After some reflection on my completion of last year's goals I decided to shake things up a bit! (Not because I didn't finish any goals- but because I did not complete enough of 2009 goals to my liking.)
Since seven is a Biblical number- I chose seven categories for my goals in 2010. And then identified a single goal within each category. Trying to make this as do-able as possible.
Here are my goal categories (in no particular order)= Fitness, financial, marriage, parenting, writing, spiritual and personal character.
The last category is something new and one could argue that it is the same as a "spiritual" goal. But my discernment took me in a unique direction in that I wanted to grow this year a particular 'fruit of the spirit' . See Galations 5:22. I guess you could say then that my spiritual and character goals are going to work together. At least that is the plan.
Well here's to a great year- accomplishing great things and deepening how my faith is lived out in my life!
Since seven is a Biblical number- I chose seven categories for my goals in 2010. And then identified a single goal within each category. Trying to make this as do-able as possible.
Here are my goal categories (in no particular order)= Fitness, financial, marriage, parenting, writing, spiritual and personal character.
The last category is something new and one could argue that it is the same as a "spiritual" goal. But my discernment took me in a unique direction in that I wanted to grow this year a particular 'fruit of the spirit' . See Galations 5:22. I guess you could say then that my spiritual and character goals are going to work together. At least that is the plan.
Well here's to a great year- accomplishing great things and deepening how my faith is lived out in my life!
Friday, January 1, 2010
Favorite Christmas Moments...
Hope your holidays were delightful, meaningful and joyful! Here are a few highlights of ours...
- lighting the Christ candle with my family at Christmas Eve worship
- reading Christmas letters and admiring how the kids in the photos have grown
- beginning a new family tradition of watching the previous year's Christmas video on Christmas Eve
- unwrapping my daughter's gift to me that she specifically picked out- cookie cutters!
- laughing at my husband play with his new Christmas toy (he couldn't put it down)
- freezing on the train during Christmas at the Zoo with friends
- watching the movie, Fireproof with my husband on Christmas night
- my daughter unwrapping a different Christmas or winter book at dinner each night of December prior to Christmas (new Advent tradition for us)
- my daughter bouncing from gift/toy to gift/toy because she couldn't decide what to play with next on Christmas morning
- bubble pack- need I say more!?
- enjoying extra time with family and friends
Here's to the New Year and next Christmas- it has all the potential of being fabulous yet again!
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