Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Spinning World

Now, I know how the Planet Earth feels- spinning always spinning. After two of days with severe vertigo- I am ready for all the spinning to stop. No, do not invite me on the merry-go-round. And please don't ask for me to ride any of the 4H Fairground rides. I want to stop moving. Being still and stationary (in my head that is) sounds like bliss to me!

Every day chores have taken on a new level of difficulty. Our dog has not been on a walk for two days (he is in trouble for his Saturday night double feature vomiting routine.) Making the bed is impossible because I want to lay still in it all day. Bending down to load the dishwasher causes the world to turn in on itself. Shoot- don't ask how it was to wash my hair or to shower. I about fell over twice.

And the worse part about vertigo- you cannot go anywhere... people think you're drunk at 9am in the morning when you wish something you could drink would make the spinning stop. No driving. I've had my wings clipped.

I guess this is the Spirit's way of slowing me down for a bit. Helping me to honor my health and begging me to stop my part of the spinning- earth's rotation is enough, thank you very much!

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