Thursday, July 9, 2009

Commentary on the Jackson Memorial Service

I, like most of the zillions of inhabitants on this planet, watched the 1.4 million dollar Memorial Service for Michael Jackson. I couldn't help it. Like all my classmates in school, I bought his albums, attempted to dance like him, and followed his musical career. It was the 80's afterall.

But throughout the 3 hour service I felt a disconnect, did you? Sure, we all have our comments about the gold coffin, the pallbearers coordinated outfits, the folks who spoke, who was there and who wasn't, what was sung and what was left unsaid. But that is not the disconnect I am making reference to.

Because of my vocation I have a lot of professional experience providing leadership, direction and assistance in the presentation of memorial services and funerals. Also, I have been a granddaughter, niece, and a friend attending many services of remembrance for my loved ones who have died. Been there and done that- you could say.

My familiarity with the subject has highlighted this incongruity before, but the large scale of Jackson's event made it even more noticable.

And here it is- Memorial Services really are for the living. Elements of the Jackson service and choices that were made obviously reflected what the family wanted, needed, or desired and I am not sure that if Michael himself were around the service would have included the same choices.

Now there is nothing wrong with that- families need to grieve and the rituals around a memorial service and funeral assist with that important process.

What Tuesday's big event made me realize again- is the variety of expressions and means we all have to grieve. For me- it is my faith in Jesus that makes meaning and purpose out of life and death. The important question for you- is what assists you in letting go, saying goodbye, and moving forward?

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