Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Drinking Problem- Solution #1

I was graciously informed over dinner last evening that yesterday's blog entry was
too depressing and that I needed to return to light hearted material.
In that vein...

Over breakfast today while watching a marvelously colorful sunrise (did you see it?!)- my daughter and I devised a plan. We have been hatching plans ever since her creative and imaginative gene was tickled during a wrestling match over water color paints.

Our plan involves solving Duke pup's drippy drinking dilemna. And the plan involves straws. Swirly straws and bendable straws. Yep- you can guess where this might lead and we did indeed go there. My four year old giggled, no, actually I think it was a cackle, while I described the step by step process.

First, we need to get Duke to hold a straw in his mouth and NOT EAT IT. (giggle) "What about tape, Momma?" (giggle) "What about glue, Momma?" (cackle)

Once the straw is secured in his mouth, we need to teach him to use the straw I told her. "I'll show him, Momma." And at once she got out a straw and put it in her leftover milk from her cereal. Then, she stood in front of Duke, saying (in between slurps) "Watch, Dukie, Watch me." He wagged his tail in rapid rhythm not at all sure what was happening but, thoroughly enjoying the attention he was getting.

ha ha ha ha! I cannot go on... by the way he was still dripping drips from his water dish.

I hope that was light hearted enough for our readers out there...

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