Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Adventing, we go!

Preparations last week paid off and we had a lovely party Sunday night. I was a bit unsure about the ham- I am much better at turkey, I think, but no one has reported any sickness of any kind!!
Now, more Advent stuff to do and be about- staff parties, visit with Santa, Christmas at the Zoo, and this weekend, we will be baking our Christmas cookies! (Have you noticed my oven is earning it's keep?!)

In spite of our hectic pace, I am becoming more and more appreciative of the depth and breadth of Advent's meaning. We are awaiting the final coming of Christ in his final glory. Thus, Advent puts us in touch with profound hope, expectation, and waiting.

And as I hear about loved ones suffering, cancer affecting families, wars, and strife, child abuse & neglect- I am even more excited about Jesus' final birth into this world- because evil will have an end and suffering will be stop. Justice will be distributed. The dead will be raised- and all will truly be well in God's holy and righteous sight.

So, even though I am keeping busy with the fun and festivities, but my soul is fed in quiet waiting prayers of the Hope that is to Come!

Thanks be to God!


Brenda Craig said...

I enjoyed meeting you last Sunday and I especially enjoyed your blog on preparing for the holidays and your children stories. I look forward to more. I will be coming back for the Children's Christmas Contata. See you on Sunday.
Brenda Craig
(Andrew Attwood's soon to be Mother-In-Law)

Michelle Kallock Knight said...

Thanks, Brenda- great to meet you too! Enjoy the blogs- but beware we are a wacky bunch around here.

Brenda Craig said...

Too late..I already like the way your wacky bunch thinks!

Brenda Craig said...

Too late..I already like the way your wacky bunch thinks!