Tuesday, August 18, 2020

COVID 19 World Prayer


God, our Great Physician-

bless the healing front lines of our global pandemic...
all those who work in medical and pharmaceutical care; all who care for elderly nursing homes/hospice/group homes/mental health facilities; all those who work and care for those in prison; we are grateful for their healing and caring gifts!

bless the leading front lines of our global pandemic...
elected officials and government agencies, universities, school districts, faith community leaders; business (small thru large) owners; we are grateful for their leadership in difficult moments.

bless our first-responding front lines of our global pandemic...
EMT's, law enforcement officers, and fire fighters; we are grateful for their willingness to serve and protect.

bless all of us on the front lines of our disrupted lives...
as every aspect of our lives is overturned by what we face.

YOUR generosity, YOUR hope, YOUR light, YOUR kindness is shown, seen, and demonstrated by so many already! We are grateful. We are thankful. We are joyous, even in these turbulent, demanding times, in WHO you ARE, Mighty God!

O God in Whom there is NO Darkness at ALL, grant us good humor; long standing patience and kindness; inner resolve and strength; generosity which begets generosity; and fresh opportunity to witness YOUR might in the face of fear/disruption/unknown/anxiety.

This is a precious moment in which we can HOLY PAUSE on all aspects of our lives and our life together. Our season of Lent just got more real, which also means Easter's hope is more real as well.

Let us not waste this ripe opportunity to dig deeper into our inner faith and our commitment to serve others.

This is YOUR moment O God to witness YOUR people...doing no harm, doing good, and staying in love with YOU!

Shine BRIGHT through us, we pray, as Jesus is - truly- the Light of the World. Amen.   

                                    By Rev. Michelle L. Knight 3/13/2020  

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