Pentecost approaches! Time to become:
- spiritually and emotionally singed, but not burnt;
- holy & wholly quenched with Divine love, grace, hope, and peace so that we, as followers of Jesus, speak/live in boldness and action.
As a co-worker in Christ has been brutally murdered while in police custody-
consider this article about George Floyd's passionate ministry to make a difference in both Houston and Minneapolis. How will you and I denounce the injustice and moreover continue his ministry legacy?
As UM clergy and lay leaders are aware that Minneapolis will be hosting our global denominational gathering in 2021 (delayed from May of 2020 due to COVID 19) -
consider Bishop Ough's of Minnesota Annual Conference (UMC) statement and the brave work of peacemakers in Minnesota. How can you and I be supportive of their "boots, high heels, tennis shoes, and sandals" on the ground building and re-building relationships and community?
As we, who are changed and transformed by the gift of the Holy Spirit to live beyond all of our isms'/hatred/divides, etc... read, share, and learn more about how you can be a voice & how you can make a difference where you live. Our UM's Commission on Religion and Race has tools, learnings, articles, and resources How can you live, do, and be in your faith differently as the Holy Spirit supplies?
Pastors and Lay leaders... I am praying for what you will preach in your pulpits/online/windshield worship/YouTube/podcasts THIS PENTECOST!
I am praying for what you will pray through your intercessions THIS PENTECOST!
I am praying for what you will teach and share in your children/youth/'small talks' with God's little ones THIS PENTECOST!
But more than my prayers... the Holy Spirit is praying and brooding over our chaos as now is the ripe time to say no to evil, injustice, racism, violence... and now is the time to re-build, re-learn, and re-connect with one another to serve on behalf of a Jesus who loves all the little children of the world...
Praying UP for fiery, holy PENTECOST which transforms each of us from the inside out!
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