Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Hands that Serve!

I have been most impressed by my new congregation, Ridge UMC, and their commitment to service, missions and outreach.  They are hearty people- people of compassion and people of strength!

Every Monday afternoon the hands connected to these ladies (pictured left) meet to prepare a hot meal and a sack lunch for homeless persons who live around Hammond, Indiana.  They have been doing this for more years than I can count.

The ladies could not figure out why I wanted a picture of their hands.. they fussed about their nails, were worried about this or that.

The evidence of what all the dish-washing, serving, cooking and loving has done to their hands is there.  These are well worn hands ...because of love!  But- as you can witness these are BEAUTIFUL hands, nonetheless.

I shared this photo on our church Facebook page after I took it.  The response from our congregation and larger community was a bigger hit than any Hollywood scandal! Such love, admiration, and joy were expressed about the ladies for whom these hands belong!

Kinda makes me want to put my hands to work...serving others, sharing love in a tangible way, and giving out Kingdom Love to others.

I am sure all that is better than... idle hands.  And a whole lot more beautiful!

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