Friday, May 22, 2015

Celebration of Memorial Weekend: Packing!

With only 23 left remaining before the moving truck arrives at my home... there is still a lot of packing and moving to do.

I only wish that my home and church office looked as tidy and simple as the photo to the left.

Instead, my office has dust on all the shelves which I am both taking with me and leaving behind for the next pastor.  There is a pile of boxes in one corner of my office... and two stacks of items remain to be boxed and packaged.
My home is another matter.

We hope, this Memorial weekend, in between Pentecost worship and the World's Greatest Spectacle of Racing (Indy 500) to complete more packing.  It is sweet when so many folks want to help pack... but there is something important about doing the sort, discard, and/or pack ourselves.

As time for the BIG move approaches, faster and faster each day, all mixed up emotions of excitement, nervousness, joy, wonder, sadness,  and a sense of overwhelming 'yuck' at the actual moving process accelerate too.  It is an endeavor to move a family from one community to another.

No wonder, so much of our Scripture is filled with moving stories. Like Abraham and Sarah's move to the land promised.  All the way to the movement of the early church from Jerusalem to beyond.

The church of Christ Jesus continues to send people OUT into the world... and so goes the Knight family.  We pray we have made a positive impact for God's kingdom from where we leave.  And we hope to make a tremendous difference for the Kingdom where we are sent.

Mostly, we cling to the promise that our Gods before us and with us ALL the way!


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