Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Cracked Paths

While on retreat last weekend, my feet were able to take me on a wonderful walk on a Chartres or Medieval patterned labyrinth at the Benedict Inn Retreat and Conference Center in Beech Grove, Indiana.

Sadly, the pavement on which the labyrinth was lovingly painted has many cracks and crevices throughout as if nature was creating her own secondary version of a labyrinth.

Cracks vary in their depth and length.  It seems that some attempts at repair were made.

Throughout my walk I began to ponder the significance of 'cracks on my path'.  While the way is very clear... there can be crevices to stumbled into or trip over.  Cracks also represent the brokenness in my life... that God's grace smooths over so that I can more readily follow.

Yet, like this photo of a small tree, life can be found in the cracks and crevices.  I pray that new life, fresh opportunities, and joy can be found even in the unwanted openings in my journey.

May God use even my cracks for healing and hope in others and myself.  May it be so.

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