Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Walking in Peace

Last year I walked the 500 Festival Mini-marathon in honor of my mother in law who deals with brain cancer even to this day.  Because of last week's in Boston at their annual marathon, I have decided to dedicate my 5K walk on May 4 here in Indianapolis towards peace and hope.  

Every step will be my prayer for our the healing of those injured or who lost loved ones.  Every inch will be dedicated to those who offered support, care, compassion, and love to the hurting.  Every mile will be a prayer for wisdom, discernment, truthfulness, and justice for the diligent work of law enforcement and the judicial system of our government.

And I shall pray for peace-filled Christians, Jews and Muslims who do not support this sort of violence in the name of God.  May our voices become stronger and louder against those who choose to 'hijack their faith'.

May our prayers for peace and hope be heard as we walk in our world!  

Thursday, April 18, 2013

The Creek's Rising

  Three of our five candidates for baptism have requested the flowing baptismal waters of our local White Lick Creek!  With all the rain we have had lately a low water level will not be a problem, but a high, rapids might be. 
Creek baptisms are messy.  But so are sin and repentance, forgiveness and grace.  Squishy shoes with mud and grit along with sweat and spit make for delightful playground for God's redemptive work. 
Maybe that is where the phrase, "God will and the creek don't rise", came from or maybe not.

Pastors have all sorts of specialty items for our work; prayer books and Bibles, robes and stoles, strategies and songs... but I have on a garage shelf a special pair of shoes.  These are my creek baptism shoes.  I doubt even the Pope has a set of these wonder workers in a size 9 and a half!

On Saturday May 4, I shall wear my special shoes (along with bathing suit and clothes) as we gather at the river if it flowing fast or creek if it's normal or pool is we're in trouble for the waters of baptism. 

All in all the moment will remind us that God loves goes before us.  God's love forgives us and God's work sets us free to rise from the waters a new creature! 

To God be the glory!

Monday, April 15, 2013

Where Hast Thou Been?

Gosh- where did last week go?

Into the history pages as we did eight of our interviews for confirmation students, spent time working with new initatives with Adult Education team, met with staff about this and that, visited at the hospitals... and oh, got my kidlet out of her walking boot!


The week was full before we met with Friday afternoon's crisis.

I appreciate everyone's thoughts and prayers as we await more information on my mother in law.  Scans from the weekend show (she was hospitalized for paralysis in her face and arms) that her brain tumors have almost tripled in size these last six weeks.  (That sounds horrible-doesn't it?!)

She has another treatment option left.  And she and my father in law are praying their way through the decisions before them.  Actually after I chatted with her this morning, I think they want to hand this decision over to our Loving God.  I get that.

So, I think the best way to describe how my conversations with God lately ...is that I have been talking, asking questions, weighing options for my loved ones, and ultimately trying to LISTEN.

Now, I know what the Psalmist means by "wait" on the Lord.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Spring Break- what?!

While my Facebook newsfeed was filled with beach or vacation pictures from staff, friends, family and congregants... my spring break has been busy back home in Indiana.  And I was not even busy in the ways I planned to be!  My TO DO List remains barely touched... because two funerals interrupted my best laid plans. 

Oh, well... my kidlet enjoyed art camp (we have sooo much amazing, creative art that we need an art show at our house).  The ant infestation was destroyed.  The Mustang was driven several times!  (WOO HOO)  In the mail this week Todd and I were finally paid by our publisher for our book sales.  I am pleased to note we received more money than just the cost of a cheap bottle of wine!  (which was our bet long ago when that project started)  And I successfully tried six new recipes this week! Yum. Not bad for a stay-cation Spring Break! 

As I sit in my husband's office, with Gregorian chant playing in the background, I must finish my weekend sermon (yet here I am on my blog!). It has followed me around all week.  Too bad the sermon didn't write itself while I was busy with other things...  oh well.  I gave the words, the text, and ideas plenty of opportunity to run around freely adn then land on the page in a coherent and meaningful format. 

But alas, that did not come to pass!  Better go and capture those thoughts before 5pm today. 

Bye bye, spring break, maybe next year you'll be different!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The Days after H%^ Week...

I know the Lord is Risen- as two funeral homilies are given.
I know the Lord is Risen- while my weekend sermon is yet to be written.
I know the Lord is Risen- as the kidlet needs attention.
I know the Lord is Risen- while our ant infestation meets extinction.
He is Risen and yet, I remain with earthy feet of clay.
O Lord, please help me through this day!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Holy Week Complete- Easter!!

He is risen!  He lives and because he lives I can face tomorrow's tomorrow

Death has lost it's sting!  God is greater than all our fear!  Perfect love has cast out fear!

To God be the Glory!  GREAT things God has done!

Music was amazing!  Joy of my kidlet following her treasure hunt to find her Easter basket and eggs was delightful!  Worship was wonderful!  Seeing folks joyful and exhuberant was a gift! 

For those of you interested in the number of folks we shared Holy Week with...
Maundy Thursday -- 71                  
Good Friday -- 95

Easter Weekend
5 p.m. -- 234
9 a.m. -- 366                          
11:11 a.m. -- 181                        
Total = 781                          

Holy Week- Holy Saturday

I think on Holy Saturday the hardest working servants in the church are 1) the ladies and sometimes the men preparing the Sunday brunch; 2) our altar guild ladies who transform the sanctuary into Easter beauty; and musicians!  Preachers have it light on this day (hopefully because our sermons and prayers are already completed.

So, I did all the normal home things on Holy Saturday.  Until, I arrived at worship for our 5pm Easter servive - wow!  The music and setting were glorious! 

He is risen, indeed!

Holy Week- Good Friday

What wonderful weather and sunshine on Friday!  It was glorious!  I felt as if the oppressive winter may actually, finally, be over. 

My two best Good Friday moments were these (besides a wonderful worship service in the evening)...

  1. I had the privilege to share Holy Communion at a facility with a couple.  The husband is currently doing rehab for his leg.  As we laughed and shared and joked.... I prepared to serve us Holy Communion from my little traveling set... balancing the Body and Bread of the Lord on my knees... I asked the gentleman for his prayer requests.  He took a long pause.  Before I tried to re-iterate my question, he quietly replied, "Well, let us pray for parents so that they would make disciples out of their children."  You could have knocked me over with a feather!  I was humbled all over by this quiet man's insightful, other-oriented request.  And so, by golly, we did pray for parents and grand-parents alike in their raising of their children to make them disciples of Jesus Christ!  WOW!
  2. After our marvelous Good Friday dinner (we tried a new recipe with delicious salmon)... I asked my daughter to read from her rhyming story book about "Why there is a Cross?"  There in between colorful pictures and rhymes is the gospel story.  Listening to my daughter tell it... and in thier format ... I heard afresh why Jesus died, what it means, and how amazing the Love of God is.
It was a Good Friday.... and even better to know Sunday was a'comin'!