Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The Great Tithe Experiment

If your ears are better than your eyes... go to this link to listen to my recent sermon on tithing.  Apparently, it has caused quite a fuss!   http://www.calvaryunited.org/#/about-us/sermons

If your eyes are better than your ears, here is the manuscript version!

Malachi 3:10
“Only Way God Can Be Tested”

Let us pray…Come Holy Spirit and bring clarity, purpose and passion to our lives so that our hearts and our wallets reflect your great abundance and generosity!  Come Living God, come.  Amen. 
Brace yourselves. We’re going to talk about money today.  More specifically, we’ll talk about your money and mine.  And what we do with our financial resources or don’t do with it. Yep.  So get yourself prepared.  I know you would rather we talked about sex, drugs or rock-n-roll in worship than tithing. Somehow those subjects are more appealing. Apparently, Scripture and our Triune God have other standards because money parables are the most frequently used parables Jesus ever gave.
Doesn’t matter if you have big savings account or if your wallet is empty; you are impacted my money and it impacts you.  Everyone in this room has something to hear from this message today.  Why?  Because according to the Bible what we do with our money (however much we have) matters to God.  Because giving, according to the Bible, is an act of worship.  (Hint: that is why there is an offering every time the people of God gather to worship.  You just thought it was a handy fundraising technique!  Not so. Ha!)
More specifically, tithing is an act of worship because it is a response to God’s provision.  Tithing as extreme Bible as you can get.  By definition tithes are 10% of your yearly income: 10 cents on a $1; $10 on $100; $100 on $1000.  Tithes are to be brought into the store house (aka the church). Tithes are paid on what you make not on what you have left over. Abraham was the first to give a tithe… and it continues all the way into the New Testament in Matthew 23:23. 
There is a profound difference between a tithe and tip.  If you are not yet giving 10% of your yearly income you cannot technically call what you give a “tithe”… while you may be growing it into a larger percentage of giving (which is a super and good for you).  Also, to be precise an offering is a sacrificial gift over and above the 10% tithe.  From the Bible’s point of view offerings come from surplus.  
There you have it.  The Bible asks of believers (both from OT and NT) to give a tithe and their offerings.  The provocative question and the question that makes us squirm is… are we being faithful to this God-intended standard?  According to our reading from Malachi 3:10… the people of Israel were failing in their giving of the tithe.  And the prophet challenged the people to ‘test God’ or in the words of John Wesley “experiment with God” through the tithe (from Wesley’s Notes on Malachi 3:10).  And we invite those of you who are not yet fully at a tithe of 10% or those of you who have never tried regular proportional giving to the church… to participate in the Great Tithing Experiment.  Tithe for March, April and May of this year and see what happens.   
Be mindful we don’t ask anything of you that is impossible or not modeled by leadership. Your two appointed ordained elders from the Indiana Conference of UM tithe.  Pastor Todd and Becky can speak to how that is meaningful and significant to them.  Eric and I would tell you how it has changed our faith, our marriage and our understanding of what it means to be “fully invested in the workings of God through Calvary UMC”.   Eric has told our congregation how I grew him into a tither… and then how together we’ve been challenged to deepen our generosity through the giving of our time, talent and financial resources. 
Moreover, did you know our church congregation tithes?!  10% of the income received to our operating budget goes beyond Calvary to our Indiana Conference, our UM denomination, and out into the world through the World Service Fun.  Therefore, your pastoral leadership and church leadership invite you to do something (i.e. tithing) that we are doing.  The best leaders lead by example, don’t they?!
But why give?  What does it matter? Why is it important?  Listen to what Dave Ramsey has to say… (show view clip) God expects us to offer our tithes.  Why? (1. Because it shows our submission to God’s ownership of everything.  (2. It makes us realize that all we have comes from His hand, not our own cleverness and skills.  (3. Keeps us humble, we don’t own everything!  (4. It prevents us from worshipping "things." (5. We give because we believe in the mission of the UM church to “make disciples for the transformation of the world”!
If you pay attention and ponder deeply you can begin to see that tithing is really about trust not in money, but in God!  Tithing puts our trust in the One Who gives us every good and perfect gift.  I like what our Bishop Coyner shared, “I don’t think of tithing as a ‘rule’ but as a ‘revelation’ from God – namely that God has revealed to us that tithing is the way our lives are best lived for a joyful and prosperous life.”  As Christians, we believe that God is love and is a generous giver of all good gifts.  We believe that God has created us to be generous givers as well.”(from Indiana Tithing Task Force 2011).
The ancient people of God during Malachi’s day were stealing from God because they failed to give and worst yet, because of their scarcity mindset they were actually losing out on God’s blessings! This is a hard concept for some people to grasp … giving to God won’t leave you with less, in so many ways, you gain!  God is always faithful to help those who obey His ways, and giving is one of His ways! Our blessings may not appear as lottery winnings, new leather couches, diamond earrings, or BMW’s, but God blesses in so many intangible ways.  You just can’t lose when you give.
One day a woman said to her preacher: "Pastor, I just don’t see how I can give 10 percent of my income to the church when I can’t even keep on top of our bills." The pastor replied, "Jane, if I promise to make up the difference in your bills if you should short, do you think you could try tithing for just one month?" After a moment’s pause, Jane responded, "Sure, if you promise to make up any shortage, I guess I could try tithing for one month." "Now, what do you think of that, Jane “mused the pastor. "You say you’d be willing to put your trust in a mere human mortal like myself, who possesses so little, but you couldn’t trust your Heavenly Father who owns the whole universe!" 
Our total income for CUMC (adding together operating budget, building need (mortgage) and missions) is about a million dollars a year.  If you take just the operating budget which is over 787,000 a year and divide it by our resident members… we would meet our annual operating budget if very person gave $79.75 a month or a total of $957.00 a year.  Hard to do that with youth being part of those resident member numbers. 
So consider this…data from the 2010 census reveals that the median (average) income per household in Hendricks County is about $64,239 a year.  Now that may be high… so let’s make this easy and say the average income for Calvary UMC families is about $60,000.  If every family tithed 10% of their $60,000 income our church income or giving for the year would be $1,800,000. (Remember we currently receive about 1 million in contributions.) That would almost double our income as a congregation. 
Think of what God in Christ could do with another $800,000 invested in making disciples for the transformation of the world?!! Think of how our mortgage debt would be paid off in less than 2 years and how that would then open up an additional $300,000 in our church budget for missions, ministries, staff, or another amazing dream of ministry we can conjure up! Then, we’d have an additional million to do ministry with!  Imagine the possibilities for mission and service within Hendricks County we could do together! The lives we could change and touch! WOW!  All would be possible because we are worshipping God with a tithe of income and not a tip.
I heard a story about our recent denominational evangelism gathering in Georgia… where the campus pastor from Georgia State University gave the message.  He congratulated the folks on their giving to the UM church. The average age of people there was around 58. And this is the demographic group within United Methodism who gives over 80% of the overall contributions to our denomination.  He said, “You are to be congratulated.  Well done, good and faithful servants. You should get the kind of church and denomination that you want or that meets with your tastes and preferences.  However, you follow a savior who said, “Deny yourself and follow me. Remember, he told them you give for the sake of others.” 
Folks, on Wednesday we enter a season of the year which prepares us spiritually, intellectually, emotionally and financially for the sacrifice of Jesus Christ for the salvation of the world.  We follow a Savior who asks us to deny ourselves.  We are a part of a body who are committed to making disciples for the transformation of the world. 
You may give something up this year…when you do… take the ‘cost’ of that item and give it to God’s work in the world.  Your weekly Starbuck’s splurge will add up after 6 weeks.  Others of you may consider how you want to make a sacrificial offering to God at the end of Lent above your current tithe.  Still others of you may think and pray about what it would be like to experiment with tithing for 3 months.  Test God. Try it.  Watch how God provides.  We offer a money back guarantee.  Well, mostly, God does.
Let us pray…

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