Friday, March 9, 2012

Dear Jesus About These Confirmands

Dear Jesus,

About these confirmands you've given us this year... they are smart, funny, talented, and amazing.  I love them.  We're doing our best to help them think and grow and live their faith. 

Many of them are just growing in strides!  Wow- they are disciples already, Lord!  Praise be to you!

But Lord, I gotta say, we've got one of them that is a puzzle.  Can you offer an extra dose of our Holy Spirit on this one?  And the mentor too?  and the parents?  Andrew and I are really struggling with how to connect with this student.  How do we make You real, relevant?  We know we don't do that, but we're trying to live, teach, and model this by example.  And well, Lord, what we're doing isn't working.  We need Your help. 

This student doesn't think You exist.  Doesn't think life has a purpose or plan.  Or that there is a Divine intelligence behind everything and anything.  Our stiff necked student does not choose to open even intellectual curiousity regarding You.  It saddens us and puzzles us.  We are not sure how to reach out.

Lord, we know you created this student.  We know you love this student.  Please get nose to nose with the student.  Holy Spirit- open eyes, ears, heart and mind...  only You can make yourself known in ways that will reach how this kiddo needs You.  Do it, Lord!  Not just now but throughout this student's life.

Thank you, Lord!  For everything even this challenging young person because there is a whole wide world full of grown ups like this student!  So I pray for all your children today- oh my how you must love us.



1 comment:

LisaS said...

Hang in there! Praying for all the confirmands, especially this sweet one.