Wednesday, January 18, 2012


My grandfather's grandfather never retired because it hadn't been invented yet.  Seriously, think about it... when did regular folks in America start even pondering the notion of 'retiring'?  My Grandfather Lowe never retired.  He worked on the day he died harvesting his crop.  He suffered a brain aneurysm one month to the day of his 70th birthday while driving his tractor. 

It has not been that long in the course of human history or US history for that matter that retirement has even been available for more than the wealthiest of the wealthy.  Anybody got some research on that? 

Given all the financial circumstances of the past few years, I am beginning to think that the 'time of retirement' has come to an end.  The sun seems to be setting on this goal as inflation grows and our financial markets continue to fluctuate so rapidly.  At least how we have recently contrived of retirement is coming to an end. 

For example, it used to be in the local church we could count on our retired folks and stay at home mothers to assist with weekday ministries. Many of our 'retirees' are no longer available because they are back working part time jobs OR are doing more childcare because their stay-at-home adult child is back at work to support the grandkids.  And fewer of our mothers or fathers are 'staying at home'.  Many of them are balancing higher education, part time jobs, or jobs that they can do from home.  All of this means for the volunteer hours needed at church- we have fewer people who are available for fewer hours or blocks of time.  Interesting change of situation, isn't it?!

Folks who spend their time researching career paths and what-not have already said my generation and the those right after me will have multiple 'career' paths in our lives.  Few to none of us 'works' for the same company or firm or entity for the entirety of our working years.  I am probably one of the few around who started in the same career and is still here (even after only 16 years!)  (I always knew I was weird, but this is odd.)

Now I am not abandoning my goal of retirement one day.... but this discussion makes me stop and think about my future plans differently.  Maybe some of my 'bucket list goals' need to be done now and not just put off until later.  And also this makes me appreciate more and more those volunteers we do have at our church who MAKE the time to assist in the work of Christ's Body.  Their generosity of time shows deep commitment given all the other circumstances surrounding us.

And I am pretty sure that none of us "retires" from the ministry of our baptism!

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