Monday, December 5, 2011

New Book!

Just in time for Christmas... you can now order our book! Happy shopping and reading!

He Said, She SaidBiblical Stories from a Male and Female PerspectivePrint ISBN 9780827214866 List Price $14.99 Print Price: $11.99by Michelle Kallock Knight, Todd OutcaltAvailable December

He Said , She Said: Biblical Stories From a Male and Female Perspective, explores a host of Biblical narratives from both a male and female perspective, offering readers a unique blend of thought and commentary on relationships, marriage, parenting, work, and aging—written, of course, from the vantage point of a male and female. This book is sure to strike a chord with pastors, study groups, and classes who are looking for a unique and engaging vantage point from which to explore the Bible.

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