Wednesday, August 31, 2011


I suppose the responses to premature death vary as there are different people on the planet. Our family's latest brush with death has caused both my husband and I to reconsider all sorts of things we presumed were true.

Reality broke our home of illusion and now we try to put the pieces of life back together. Only I discover some things just don't fit like they did before.

Therapists who are worth their expensive fee call this integration or re-integration. Whatever you name it that is where I find myself. Re-integrating new and different data, perceptions, and reality into my life at 40 years old.

How am I going to live differently with these new awareness and realities? Choices certainly become more significant and weighty than they did six months or twelve months ago.

Not sure what all it means- but it will be great fodder for my spiritual director and I. More importantly and practically, I do know that I will not eat any less dark chocolate.

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