Friday, January 7, 2011

Confirmation Panic!

Why? O why, do I always have a confirmation class begin with some sort of adrenaline panic regarding either students signing up or recruiting mentors?

Every year I try my best to begin the recruitment process early so that I know what number of students to expect therefore I know what number of adult mentors to recruit. Send out letters. Confirm birth dates of potential students and work with families on grade level issues etc. I spend most of my Advent looking ahead into January's confirmation class. But to no avail.

Here it is the Friday before the fun begins and I am scrambling again. Geez- you'd think after 15 years of doing this sort of thing I'd reach my learning curve?!?!

Looking for one more male mentor. He cannot just be breathing. Gotta be somebody the Spirit has provided who needs to get to know a pre-adolescent as much as the pre-adolescent needs another adult in his life. But where are you? And who are you?

Maybe my yearly panic is the Spirit's way of reminding me this whole process needs to be bathed in prayer... so here goes...

Holy Spirit, thank you for this new and fresh opportunity to work with young adults in their faith walk. I am honored and privileged for this chance to impact lives and leave a legacy of our Christian faith. Bring the students to class who need to be there. Some may not want to be there. But bring who you have in mind.

Precious Spirit, bring forward the set of adult mentors that are needed for this particular crop of young people. You know my need for one more adult. Bring the right man forward for the job. He may not even know it yet. I pray that your Spirit moves through Andrew and I as we assign mentor matches. Connect the students with the adult that You have in mind for them.

Bless Andrew and I with your love, patience, tenderness, humor and grace as we seek to teach these students about our beliefs, history and faith heritage. May Andrew and I walk the talk as much as we talk the talk. Help us to love each and every student/mentor. May all those who are a part of this year's class recognize YOUR great love. Make us small instruments in comparison to the symphony of your powerful love and grace.

Come, Spirit, come and guide us in all things but especially this journey of faith we do together. All praise to you- Creator, Redeemer, Sustainer, as you live and reign forever and ever as One God. Amen.

No magical mentor appeared, but I am less panic'd!

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