Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Meeting with Santa Claus

Sunday evening in the cold and snowy night Santa arrived unexpectedly at the door our friend's home. I thought the children's eyes would POP out of their heads. "Santa, here?!"

He was a wonderful Santa too... gave peppermints to everyone, told a wonderful story about the joy of giving, listened to each child's list of gifts, and took countless photos. Santa made sure each child was being good, doing homework, and cleaning their rooms. Santa asked our daughter if she was riding the purple bike he gave her.

To our surprise Santa inquired about all the grown ups too. He asked us if we were registered to vote, change our oil every 3,000 miles, and took good care of our families. Gosh- I didn't realize he was paying attention to us!

The best surprise about Santa came at the end of his visit. Santa gathered everyone at the party into a big circle to hold hands. And then he prayed with us! Yep- Santa does indeed work for and with God/Jesus/Holy Spirit! He prayed blessings upon us and offered thanks to God for Christmas, Jesus, and the joy of generosity.

Loved it! Best visit with Father Christmas ever. And just a tiny foretaste of what it will be like to visit at the feet of our Heavenly Father.

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