Sunday, August 22, 2010

Garden- 2010

Our latest garden update needs to include the weird fact that yes, the strawberries have bloomed again for the 3rd time this year. Is this normal, we wonder? Does this happen to other people? And why, even though we've had all these blooms, have the strawberries themselves turned rotten right away?

Our tomatoes continue to produce in great abundance. We've shared sacks full with everyone we meet.

The sunflowers are drooping now (and my sinus' are grateful). So, we're about at the end of our season. The carrots (who grew back their stems) remain to be investigated. All things considered it was a great little garden this year. The only plan for next season is to try some herbs in a little box on the deck.

My kid proudly refers to herself as a farmer! :) And when she shows off her garden Diana recounts very clearly and specifically how little the plants were when she planted them etc. Her enjoyment of all things growing- never ceases to tickle my fancy.

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