Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Dorm Life- again?

One would think that by the time you celebrate your thirty-ninth birthday for the first time that dorm life is an experience from the far off, distant past. Not so.

My rear end sunken into a less-than-fully-coiled-mattress on a bunk bed proves otherwise.

Dorms are a bit different now. Wi-fi travels everywhere on campus. Bathrooms are shared among 'suite mates'. And there is this new technology called air conditioning. Have you heard of it? Believe me, my hot days and sultry nights on University of Evansville's campus in Moore Hall were lived by a box fan and a bowl of ice chips.

Dormitories should be different these days since the cost of college education has inflated over 400% in the past several decades. Not sure if the paper my degree is printed on has increased in the same value. Maybe I can put it on eBay or Craigslist and see what happens?

I do want to give a shout out to all my former college roommates! God bless you for putting up with me. I beg your forgiveness for my pet peeves, crazy music schedule, addiction to all things Star Trek and geeky, and knack to collect a 'wide variety' of friends. Thanks for tolerating me and sometimes liking me. You deserve a room all your own! :)

Akemi, Joy, Maggie, and Tammy- you made me a better roommate for my graduate school apartment mates (Alicia and Jacqueline) and of course, my husband thanks you all for teaching me how to share! ;)

Gotta go, I think I have locked myself out of my bathroom...again. Where is a RA when you need one?

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