Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Rethink, rethought, & rethunk...

Rethink is almost here!

Our staff and congregation have been preparing for this coming Sunday's ReThink Church day for months now. Meetings, phone calls, photocopies, organizational sessions, sign ups, and all sorts of behind-the-scenes prep work will culminate in a congregation of over 750 members NOT worshipping on a Sunday morning. ha ha!

That's right we will get up off our Christian pews and GO INTO THE WORLD in compassionate service, prayer, outreach and mission. We will worship, sort of, by putting our love of God into action on other persons' behalf. That translates into children, youth and adults...
  • preparing casseroles for needy families
  • writing our military folks
  • sending thank you notes to UM clergy in Indiana
  • spreading mulch on our playground
  • baking Holy Communion bread for June's communion weekend
  • painting our Calvary Learning Academy wing
  • planting flowers at one of our town's local parks
  • repairing an elderly widow's kitchen floor, cleaning up her yard etc.
  • canvasing new neighborhoods with clever church info paraphernalia
  • sharing a 'love gift' with a needy family from our community
  • cleaning up trash along our local roads
  • writing notes to our shut-in members
  • sharing music (by our children, handbell, and adult choirs) at two local nursing homes with their residents
  • praying for our local town, businesses, schools, fire and police departments, food pantries, jail, shelter for women who've been abused, etc on a huge charter bus that will 'roll through out the county'
  • doing a variety of outdoor beautifying projects for our church facility and grounds
The hoped-for outcome of such a huge, risky and somewhat cumbersome undertaking? Well, sometimes it is hard to measure and quantify the work of God's people. Maybe we will discover how much God loves us, and how much we love God in return as other people are touched through us with God's loving compassion.

That is difficult to measure, but very notable when it does happen. Here's to a great Rethink Day!

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