Sunday, April 11, 2010

Oddities in Conversation

I've spent the weekend with my number one daughter. Not that we don't spend every weekend together, but it was an all girls weekend for us! Here are a few quotable moments:

  • Momma, you need to use your imagination! (when we were playing one of her many pretend games)
  • Tell Duke to stop sniffing my bottom. Makes me so mad. (our dog gets very interested in how we smell when we come home)
  • Why can't I wear my swimsuit now!? (repeated over and over again)
  • I can do it myself. (in reference to just about everything except when she wants to be lazy)
  • Mommy, you know that will make Daddy mad. (referring to the dandelions in the backyard)
  • Can I lick the spoon? (after making a chocolate cake for Duke pup's birthday)
So, what messages have you heard this weekend?


Todd Outcalt said...

What do we have to eat? (Logan, after sleeping until 5:30 p.m. Sunday afternoon).

Michelle Kallock Knight said...

Diana and her buddy Grace chant LOUDLY in the grocery store on Mondays, "Where is my pizza? Where is my pizza?"