Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Least, Last and the Lost

Our Tuesday morning Bible study wrestled with the tension between Jesus' call to help the least, last and lost and what that looks like for believers today. Great discussion. Wish you could have been there. Then I told this story...

Last Friday I was in a hurry between a meeting and a lunch meeting. I had no room in my schedule for anything. Rush, rush, rush. But then, Jesus walked into our church office.

I had to stop. Put my lunch meeting on hold (called my lunch person and told her I'd be late) and listened to Jesus.

He is traveling from place to place with his big blue duffel bag; preaching from Book of Revelations in his tiny Gideon New Testament copy. Likes to preach from the Interstate road sides. Hitchhiking from here to there and back again. You could tell it by his shoes, and the layers of his clothing.

Jesus wanted to know if the Ministerial Association could put him up for the night or if he could stay overnight in our church building. Sadly, I had to say, "No" to both options.

Because of our congregation's generosity and a little talked about fund called, the Pastor's Discretionary Fund, I could on behalf of the people of Calvary offer him a stay at the local hotel for a night. It was cold last Friday here in Hendricks County. He graciously accepted our offer.

I helped Jesus. Actually the people of Calvary helped Jesus. He was the least, the last and the lost. And he still is.

Who would have thought that Jesus would have a Michigan Driver's Liscence?!

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