Here we go again!
Taking nineteen 6th graders on retreat (many for their first overnighter away from family)- oh the joy of sleeping on the floor, listening to giggles in the dark, boys telling tall tales about their prowess at everything (especially bodily noises), and the wonder of waking these kiddos up at 6:30am on a Sunday morning. Ha!
Pray for us!
We've got much fun to accomplish with Pastor Todd as he leads games in the afternoon, plenty of food to eat (which will be purchased tomorrow morning), and lots of discussion about what is worship, why we do it?, what makes worship worship and not something else, and then- the crowning moments are our two Sunday morning worship services. One a Roman Catholic mass and the other a two hour African American worship service.
Yes- that is right these young people will be in worship for over 3 hours on Sunday.
And it will do them much good!
Can I say, pray for us, again?
We will all need naps on Sunday afternoon, but I trust we will draw closer together as a group; we will learn more about worship; and hopefully as we worship we will experience the Living Presence of God.
Michelle L. Knight; pastor, author, spiritual director, retreat leader, poet and grant writer
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Wintery Olympics Games
Never have I watched as much skiing, bobsleding, and ice-oriented games as I have these past two weeks. I am sure many of you have been watching history unfold in Canada as I have. But I think there are a few games missing especially sports my dog and family love:
- What about snow diving? My dog takes a running leap off our our deck into an embankment of snow only to come back up with a flurry of white wet stuff. This could be a variation of diving (i.e. swim competitions)- for twists, turns, etc.
- What about ice scuplting? My daughter chips at ice stuck onto our down spouts and collects them for our freezer chest. A competitior could receive points for technique as well as creativity just like you do in ice dancing.
- What about long distancing snow blower blowing? My husband has enjoyed our neighbor's powerful snow blower this winter (it is his hint to purchase one for us). This sporting event could be based on distance, as well as speed to cast snow away from an area.
I am not sure any of my suggestions will ever make it to the Olympic committee. They probably are frustrated that Americans are cleaning up so many medals this year, but then again somehow curling became an Olympic sport.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Best God Conversations Happen in the Car
While driving my daughter to preschool today we had our best ever theological discussion about the nature of our Triune God. Here it is:
"Momma, there is God and Jesus. Now, how many are there?" (which is 5 year speak for what is this doctrine of the Trinity anyway?)
"Sweetie, there is God. There is Jesus and there is the Holy Spirit. Three in One and One in Three. One God in three persons. That is it. They all love you."
"Now, are God and Jesus everywhere?" (which is preschooler talk for how does the omnipresence of God work and impact me?)
"Yes, sweetie they are everywhere."
"In the car with us?"
"Yes, driving in the car with us. At church. At school. At Nana's house."
"Oh, how can they be everywhere?"
"Because our God is big. Bigger than the whole world. Bigger than the universe. Our God can be here and there at the same time .God can be everywhere at once."
Then, she smiled, nodded and agreed that God is indeed big.
All this from the same girl who refused to have ashes put on her forhead during last night's Ash Wednesday service (she doesn't like to get dirty in her church clothes), but wanted to take for show and tell today her mother's Book of Common Prayer.
She cracks me up!
"Momma, there is God and Jesus. Now, how many are there?" (which is 5 year speak for what is this doctrine of the Trinity anyway?)
"Sweetie, there is God. There is Jesus and there is the Holy Spirit. Three in One and One in Three. One God in three persons. That is it. They all love you."
"Now, are God and Jesus everywhere?" (which is preschooler talk for how does the omnipresence of God work and impact me?)
"Yes, sweetie they are everywhere."
"In the car with us?"
"Yes, driving in the car with us. At church. At school. At Nana's house."
"Oh, how can they be everywhere?"
"Because our God is big. Bigger than the whole world. Bigger than the universe. Our God can be here and there at the same time .God can be everywhere at once."
Then, she smiled, nodded and agreed that God is indeed big.
All this from the same girl who refused to have ashes put on her forhead during last night's Ash Wednesday service (she doesn't like to get dirty in her church clothes), but wanted to take for show and tell today her mother's Book of Common Prayer.
She cracks me up!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Ash Wednesday...awaits
Tomorrow begins a new season for us in the church year. Preparation, penitence, and pray fill this time between now and Spring.
At the last minute I am considering what spiritual disciplines I will use and books I will read. What will be your spiritual habit this Lent?
Friday, February 12, 2010
Everybody Needs An Intern
- but especially Moms could benefit from having an intern for a semester or two! I know I am having fun with our intern this semester. Here are a few tidbits that are enjoyable:
Wouldn't that be cool if everyone had an intern?!
Oh, wait- isn't that what we're supposed to do as sisters and brothers in the Body of Christ? Mentor and model for one another and raise each other up in Christ?!?!
- everything you do becomes 'fresh and new' because you see it through the novice intern's perspective
- teaching moments happen all the time; even when you do not plan them
- the workload increases and at the same time lessens
- you have company to go places with you
- learn stuff about yourself that you'd forgotten
- hear yourself give good advice that you yourself can benefit from too
Wouldn't that be cool if everyone had an intern?!
Oh, wait- isn't that what we're supposed to do as sisters and brothers in the Body of Christ? Mentor and model for one another and raise each other up in Christ?!?!
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Just in Case...the Bishop is Reading

Yes, you are viewing under-the-sea creatures made of Play dough that represent (from left to right): Patrick Star, Squidward, Spongebob Squarepants, and Gary the Snail (Spongebob's pet).
Because these critters live in the sea, they are all aware of their baptisms. (You knew, I would go there.)
Spongebob's baptismal mission provides joy and agape love to his grumpy neighbor, Squidward. Patrick's call is to be the best friend and follower a leader could have. Gary- is well- a pet who often outsmarts his owner. And Squidward's love of music is evidence that God's previenent grace goes before him even though his grumpy and mean attitude impacts his neighbors.
But, we know all creatures under the sea or on land above are 'works in progress.'
And so is my sermon which I left hours ago... to make Nickelodeon play dough creatures... it was tough to concentrate on my sermon research with a one-preschooler-marching-band performing around the room.
Snowed In- again!
My sinus drainage has improved since my previous blog- but the snowy winter has not. We did not make any Super Bowl parties this year (much to our preschoolers' disappointment) because both my hubby and I were sick. In between blowing our noses and drinking hot tea, it was a bummer of game for the Colts and a terrific game for the Saints.
And here we are covered in snow again. No school.
What to do? Do you think I can convince my daughter to help me clean out the closets? Or take a nap? Or to let Mommy work on her sermon while she quietly plays by herself? Or to not interrupt while I am talking on the phone to homebound church members?
Ah- the challenges of bring a working mom.
How soon can Spring get here?!?!
Friday, February 5, 2010
Cold Snowy Winter
Raining show out there. But because my nose is bright red I will be able to light the way home!
Why did that little rodent have to see his shadow this week? (Somebody always takes a flash photograph at just the right moment.) Who wants winter for six more weeks? Yuck- gray skies, dirty cars, icy roads, frigid temperatures.
Snowing is falling, the sinus' are draining and my bed is calling me to rest. I am going home early and back to bed. Wake me in six weeks.
Why did that little rodent have to see his shadow this week? (Somebody always takes a flash photograph at just the right moment.) Who wants winter for six more weeks? Yuck- gray skies, dirty cars, icy roads, frigid temperatures.
Snowing is falling, the sinus' are draining and my bed is calling me to rest. I am going home early and back to bed. Wake me in six weeks.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Super (Bowl) Dilemma
Our family has a super dilemma for this Super Bowl weekend. (Yes, we are mourning that our Steelers are NOT in the big game. I guess by default we can cheer for the Saints- 'er I mean the Colts.) Many of you may be in a similar situation of deciding which party invitation to accept.
Here are the choices: We've got the suburb party of the newlyweds who have a home theater, lots of food, alcohol, and loud pets. Or there is the inner city party of the couple who have a close connection to a local brewery and lots of food. Or we could crash with our church youth who are partying at a staff member's home. There would be plenty of entertainment beyond the game. Finally, we have the suburbia-almost living in the country couple who have a home theater, Cajun food, and room for small children.
Hmmm... which to choose when you have a football-loving husband, party-loving preschooler, and big appetite??
Here are the choices: We've got the suburb party of the newlyweds who have a home theater, lots of food, alcohol, and loud pets. Or there is the inner city party of the couple who have a close connection to a local brewery and lots of food. Or we could crash with our church youth who are partying at a staff member's home. There would be plenty of entertainment beyond the game. Finally, we have the suburbia-almost living in the country couple who have a home theater, Cajun food, and room for small children.
Hmmm... which to choose when you have a football-loving husband, party-loving preschooler, and big appetite??
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Least, Last and the Lost
Our Tuesday morning Bible study wrestled with the tension between Jesus' call to help the least, last and lost and what that looks like for believers today. Great discussion. Wish you could have been there. Then I told this story...
Last Friday I was in a hurry between a meeting and a lunch meeting. I had no room in my schedule for anything. Rush, rush, rush. But then, Jesus walked into our church office.
I had to stop. Put my lunch meeting on hold (called my lunch person and told her I'd be late) and listened to Jesus.
He is traveling from place to place with his big blue duffel bag; preaching from Book of Revelations in his tiny Gideon New Testament copy. Likes to preach from the Interstate road sides. Hitchhiking from here to there and back again. You could tell it by his shoes, and the layers of his clothing.
Jesus wanted to know if the Ministerial Association could put him up for the night or if he could stay overnight in our church building. Sadly, I had to say, "No" to both options.
Because of our congregation's generosity and a little talked about fund called, the Pastor's Discretionary Fund, I could on behalf of the people of Calvary offer him a stay at the local hotel for a night. It was cold last Friday here in Hendricks County. He graciously accepted our offer.
I helped Jesus. Actually the people of Calvary helped Jesus. He was the least, the last and the lost. And he still is.
Who would have thought that Jesus would have a Michigan Driver's Liscence?!
Last Friday I was in a hurry between a meeting and a lunch meeting. I had no room in my schedule for anything. Rush, rush, rush. But then, Jesus walked into our church office.
I had to stop. Put my lunch meeting on hold (called my lunch person and told her I'd be late) and listened to Jesus.
He is traveling from place to place with his big blue duffel bag; preaching from Book of Revelations in his tiny Gideon New Testament copy. Likes to preach from the Interstate road sides. Hitchhiking from here to there and back again. You could tell it by his shoes, and the layers of his clothing.
Jesus wanted to know if the Ministerial Association could put him up for the night or if he could stay overnight in our church building. Sadly, I had to say, "No" to both options.
Because of our congregation's generosity and a little talked about fund called, the Pastor's Discretionary Fund, I could on behalf of the people of Calvary offer him a stay at the local hotel for a night. It was cold last Friday here in Hendricks County. He graciously accepted our offer.
I helped Jesus. Actually the people of Calvary helped Jesus. He was the least, the last and the lost. And he still is.
Who would have thought that Jesus would have a Michigan Driver's Liscence?!
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