Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Tissues Needed

When you come to worship on Christmas at the 5 o'clock service (we have 3 other services too- 7, 9 amd 11pm), please bring me a tissue. I'll need it especially at the first evening service.

Not because I am fighting a cold or have allergies to poinsettas and candlelight, but because Jesus will be there.

Don't get me wrong, I believe Jesus will be at all of our worship services because our intention is to honor and adore Him, but He will be at 5pm in special form. And that special form is what I know will move me to a few tender tears.

Our 5pm service is our family service with our children's choirs singing, lots of busy children, Holy Communion for families, and no hot wax to burn the kiddos. What also makes this service unique is that during the Gospel reading Mary, Joseph and a tiny newborn will come forward for the children to admire. They are our Holy Family.

This year's family is especially holy. Because like the Prophets Isaiah, Malachi, and Micah longed and waited for the Messiah to come- this Mom and Dad have been waiting and waiting for a child to come into their lives. They have been through too many dissappointments and failed attempts.

Last year after yet another loss and dissappointment- this couple and I prayed together. We sensed that their firstborn would be Jesus this year for our Christmas Eve worship. And she arrived early during the Thanksgiving holiday to make sure she was on time!

Her Mom, Dad and I know she isn't the Savior of the world (we already have one). She will not save us from our sins, nor can she offer us eternal life, but all of us as believers in Jesus are asked to imitate His generosity, love, compassion and peace towards in another. We are called to be Jesus for one another.

This little newborn has been longer for, waited on, hoped for, and prayed for. She was also conceived, carried and birthed in love. And she has offered her parents a tremendous opportunity to practice the art and act of love within a family.

Therefore- she is Jesus. Just as every child has been, is or will be. Just as you are. And I am.

Sigh- anybody got a tissue handy, now?!

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