Friday, November 20, 2009

Pre-Thanksgiving Panic

Before almost a dozen people descend upon my house for a full meal deal of Thanksgiving yummies- I have to tell you about my pre-holiday panic. My hunch is that the day of this blessed event will go much smoother and more wonderfully than these days leading up to the turkey and fixin's!

Here is my abbreviated list of stuff to accomplish in the next six days or less:
  • write a sermon
  • give the same sermon
  • teach a couple of classes
  • finish a book
  • organize a syllabus for a ministerial intern
  • get Advent stuff prepared (i.e. announcements, devotions, candlelighting families)
  • shop for the turkey, food and desert necessaties
  • clean the house
  • prepare the guest bedroom for our overnight visitor (Hi, Uncle Mike!)
  • contain my daughter's mounting enthusiasm that Christmas decorating is fast approaching
  • cook the turkey, bake the pies, and other stuff
  • find enough card tables, folding chairs, and tableclothes for this crew (are they in the garage or attic?)
  • stock the beer fridge
  • get the latest kid photos ready for all the grandparents
  • help my daughter's preschool class celebrate their thanksgiving (a Charlie Brown cartoon-special-feast)
  • stop and be grateful I have the ability, energy, and opportunity to do all this stuff!
Whew- there are a few more odds and ends- but that basically covers it. Nuts- aren't I?

Next year don't be surprised if you read in my blog that the Knight family ordered Chinese food or pizza on Thanksgiving.

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