Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Given all the stuff going on in our world (and when isn't there stuff happening?!), I have begun to appreciate what makes me stop and smile...here's my list:

  • my daughter asks me how big butterfly poop is.
  • God answers prayer by healing and encouraging my mother-in-law.
  • my pup's entire back-end wiggles to greet me at the door when I come home.
  • eating the Bread of Life with the world this weekend.
  • my husband does the dishes without asking him to.
  • purple-red-pink sunrises on cool autumn mornings.
  • meaningful, passionate worship with my faith family.
  • smell of bread baking.
  • color of cheerful yellow mums in front of people's houses.

What makes you smile, in spite of your difficulties?

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