Saturday, June 20, 2009

What I learned at VBS

We learned many things about following God, living on EDGE, and serving Jesus this week at Vacation Bible School. Here are a few tidbits that I learned and re-learned...

  • Kids and adults alike prefer to have their feet washed rather than wash others.
  • Children become hyper after snack time.
  • Preschoolers tune everything out after 2 1/2 hours of VBS fun.
  • No one can resist putting on a costume and acting out a part in a story.
  • Children with Kool aid mustaches are even more irresistibly cute!
  • Kids are naturally generous as long as you give them the means to do so.
  • Our youth are especially awesome! They helped everywhere during VBS. And were terrific role models for our littlest ones.

Now, it is time to rest, reflect and remember all we've learned.

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