Friday, May 15, 2009

Generous Generosity

Since I have been in full time ministry, rarely have I been gifted with the opportunity to preach on Stewardship Sunday. Usually that has been reserved for the lead leader (i.e. the senior pastor). It's kinda like Easter and Christmas Eve are left to the heavy/designated hitters.

What a great little quirk this year that because of a wedding- I have the opportunity tomorrow to preach to a third or so of our congregation about what I think and believe about generosity. The rest of the congregation will hear our sock-less District Superintendent's ideas on Sunday morning. He will do a fine job, no doubt.

I am actually quite glad that it has taken this long for this opportunity to arise in my vocational experience because earlier in my career I don't think I would have had much to say nor said it with the conviction I have today. Isn't God's timing- well- perfect?!

I don't feel squeamish talking about money with my church folks anymore. Thank Dave Ramsey for that. And thank my life partner, my husband, for the conviction we have about living life generously.

I am looking forward to tomorrow's worship. If you miss my thoughts- don't worry - one of these days you'll hear them. Until then, just remember to be generous... because money like manure is only any good when it's spread around to allow things to grow!

ha ha!

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