Monday, February 9, 2009


Here is a random set of updates on life, ministry, and stuff:

Several of our confirmands did, indeed read the Gospel of Mark. They were asked (before receiving their precious chocolate extra credit bars) one of the following questions:
  • Who was the naked guy in the gospel?
  • Did Mark's Gospel have a birth story of Jesus in it?
  • Did Jesus appear fully resurrected in this Gospel?

How would you answer?

Three family walks in four days during the month of February! It was a first along with attempting to teach our daughter to play Uno using a deck of Spongebob Squarepants cards!

My reading lately is all of over the place from a biography on Sir Winston Churchhill to a book on Clergy Killers to an interesting discussion on the historical person of Jesus.

And finally a shout out to our former youth director, Aaron, who is preparing to tie the wedding knot in March, congrats and have fun! Marriage is a blast (and lots of work too)!

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