Since I have this 'thing' for labyrinths- I'd thought you'd like to learn something of my passion for them.
Did you know that a labyrinth is not a maze? And a maze is not a labyrinth? This is a common misconception. Mazes are designed to be difficult and get you lost on purpose. Labyrinths, on the other hand, have one path in and the same path out. No getting lost there.
Also, did you know that labyrinths have been used by Christians as a form of prayer, worship, and meditation since 324 BCE? Yep, in that year Christians placed a labyrinth on the floor of their church in Algiers, North Africa.
Historically, in the larger Christian church labyrinths have been used "as a way to symbolize and connect with the risen Christ's presence, power and love"(Jill Kimberly Hartwell Geoffrion Christian Prayer and Labyrinths:Pathways to Faith, Hope and Love page 6).
Me, I like the combination of movement while walking a labyrinth with prayer, thought, and reflection. Movement and prayer is not something we do on Sunday mornings except while singing. So this is a treat to walk a labyrinth.
Sometimes I just sit in the middle of the labyrinth and pretend I am in God's lap. Other times I stand around the edges of the labyrinth and as I pray for folks I place them in the center next to God's presence.
We shall do more labyrinthing tomorrow.
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