Friday, July 18, 2008

Numerical Jokes

Ever hear a first grader ask, "Why is six afraid of seven?" And then you respond with, "I don't know." And then the toothless student giggles and says, "Because seven ate nine!"

Our daughter has lots of puzzles. In her closet are puzzles with pictures of cute bears. She has puzzles with latches and locks. On her shelf she has puzzles to aid in learning letters and numbers.

Well, at our house one through four are afraid of Duke dog. Because, yes, you guessed it, Duke dog ate number five! Our puzzle to learn numbers is now permanentely missing number 5. We paid homage to the number five last evening. A small sparsely attended funeral was held. Silent prayer was said.

And then our daughter delcared in a moment of hope and disgust, "Oh man, Duke is going to poop number 5!"

So much for it being a "love potion" number!

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